Author: Shadowscast || E-Mail:
Blog: Shadowscast @ LJ

Fever Dreams | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Complete
Spike's a vampire with terrible luck - he spends months in a wheelchair, he gets a chip stuck in his > brain that gives him terrible headaches when he attacks humans, he gets beat to a pulp by a hell god ... if any vampire could catch a cold, it'd be him, right?
Spoilers: The story's set during Season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Specifically, it's set during the episode "Killed by Death."
Warnings: Spike/Drusilla/Angelus (though there's no sex at all) R for the language
Written by Shadowscast | Rated R | Archived Feb 1st, 2006 | 24 KB

Human Frailty | Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel | Complete
I'm sick and alone, and since I want someone to comfort me, I'm sending Xander to comfort Spike instead. 'K? It's a bit light on the sneezing, but there's lots of h/c. I promise. So it's about six months after "Not Fade Away." Spike is now human, and dating Xander, and they're both working for the new Watcher's Council and living in Rome. How did we get from there to here? Let's not worry about those petty details, my dear. Just nod and smile.
Spoilers: This takes place after the end of both series, so there's some vague spoilers for the way they ended.
Warnings: The swearing should technically bump up the rating to R, I think, but then you'd all expect sex or violence or something. Heh. So be warned, ye of tender ears: the boys use the F-word sometimes.
Written by Shadowscast | Rated PG-13 | Archived Nov 21st, 2004 | 17 KB

Sacrilege | Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel | Complete
Set during BtVS season 2, just after Angel loses his soul. Angel, Drusilla and Spike do some very naughty things in a church.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Violence, m/m/f sex, implied rape
Written by Shadowscast | Rated NC-17 | Archived Aug 17th, 2004 | 24 KB

Unintended Consequences | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Complete
Once again, it's _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_ and features a sneezy Spike, but this one's different. Longer, less porny, more shmoopy, I guess. It mainly features Spike & Xander.
Spoilers: The story takes place towards the end of season six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- during "Seeing Red," but going AU right from the start.
Warnings: There's lots of hurt to go along with the comfort.
Written by Shadowscast | Rated R| Archived Sept 6th, 2004 | 120 KB

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