Heart's Desire
a Star Trek: Deep Space 9 story
by Superimmunegirl

Commander Sisko heard brisk footsteps coming down the hall. Footsteps like that tended to mean trouble. He looked up from his work as the security officer walked in the door.

"Yes, ensign, what is it?"

"We've discovered an illegal shipment in the cargo ship that just came through--the one with the Q'Oridine pottery." The ensign took a steadying breath. "They were transporting Kriosian metamorphs. Four of them, adolescents."

"Transporting them..."

"For sale, commander," she said, anger coming through her professional demeanor. "We found their records. They abducted them a few weeks ago and were going to sell them to the highest bidder on Rhus Beta. We've got them under arrest."

Sisko worked to get his own anger under control. A muscle jumped in his jaw. "Where are the metamorphs? And in what condition, are they in stasis?"

"No, they're not, commander. They were doing this quick and dirty--they were shipping them live, and expected to get them to market next week. They're not hurt, though they're hungry, exhausted, and frightened--Dr. Bashir is attending them now."

"Were they assaulted?"

"I can't be sure, but I don't think so--the smugglers were from Alba Candidis, and they reproduce asexually."

"Good. Return to your work, I'll be down to talk to the young men myself." The ensign nodded and left. Sisko sighed. "After I've talked to Starfleet Command, the Kriosian Ambassador, the representative from Rhus Beta, the Traffic in Sentient Beings Enforcement Agency..."

After an hour of conversations with various dignitaries and officials, Sisko was on his way to sick bay. He wasn't sure how to deal with the presence of four adolescent metamorphs on his station. Metamorphs were powerful empaths who, when sexually maturing, instinctually adapted to become the ideal mate of any woman they encountered. Their identity was fluid and changed according to the desires of the women around them until they became ready to bond. When that happened, they became the perfect mate of whatever woman they were with, and remained so forever. Naturally, they were highly sought after. On their home planet, there were customs and rituals to accompany all this, but how he was to handle it here, Sisko did not know. According to the doctor, these metamorphs were months away from bonding, so that was not an issue--but four infinitely desireable adolescent males were bound to cause havoc.

"Ah, and here's our Commander Sisko," said Julian Bashir as he walked in the door. "Commander, may I introduce Valeu, Golu, Matashu, and Raitu?"

"A pleasure to meet you," he said, greeting four exhausted young men. They looked older than he'd expected--about the equivalent of human twenty year olds. "I'm sorry it's under these circumstances."

"Well, we're very glad that you found us," said Golu, a dark haired, olive skinned man.

"So are we. Believe me, the criminals who did this will be sentenced for life. I understand they've taken your statements?" They nodded. "And you're not injured?"

"They seem to be in good health, they just need some food and sleep," Julian said. "Do they have quarters ready yet?"

"I'm not sure--"

"Yes, they do," said Jadzia Dax, walking in the door. "They'll be on the sixth level. We have male guards assigned." She turned to the metamorphs and extended her hand with a smile. "Hello, I'm Dax."

"Hello, Dax," said Golu, his voice becoming deeper and more resonant. All of them, looking so exhausted and traumatized a moment before, had perked up considerably. They each took Dax's hand and lingered seductively over the contact.

"You're a Trill," said Valeu, clasping her hand. "How interesting...so many lives in there..."

"Yes, well, I'm sure Lt. Dax has business elsewhere...don't you?" Sisko said.

"No, I don't."

"Dr. Bashir, I've got those results," said a medical technician entering the room. "I thought I'd...oh."

"Like what you see, sugar?" said Matashu, adopting a tough guy sneer. He hopped off the exam table and sauntered over to her. "I'll bet you like it even better up close..." he said, lifting her chin with his finger and leaning in for a kiss. Bashir stepped between them, took the results and said, "That will be all, Lt. Goldstein." The technician, blushing furiously, made a quick retreat.

"What?" asked Matashu, when they all looked at him. "I can't help it, she likes her men aggressive."

Bashir sighed. "It's been like this since they got here."

"Well, we'll just have to keep them away from women while they're here," said Sisko.

"What? You can't be serious!" objected Valeu. "We've just been kidnapped and spent two weeks in captivity surrounded by asexual beings! You've got no idea what that's like for us, with no one to respond to!"

"It's torture! And it can cause lasting damage to our development as empaths," added Raitu, whose arm had slipped around Dax's waist.

"It's true, Commander," said Dax. "I've spent some time on their planet."

"Oh, have you?"

"Forgive us, we really don't have much experience with metamorphs," said the doctor. "Of course we won't do anything harmful--but your...natural way of being is a bit disruptive for us, socially. I think that while you four are getting some sleep, we'll talk with your embassy and get a better idea of how to handle this situation so that everyone is comfortable. All right?"

"All right," they agreed.

"Come on, I'll show you to your quarters," said Dax.

"I'll go with you, old man," Sisko said tightly. "And we may need an escort..."

The journey to the Sixth level took them through the Promenade. Sisko was tense as the men's personalities shifted moment-to-moment in response to the women they passed. They threw flirting glances, cocky smiles, and vulnerable come-love-me looks. They reached out to touch or even kiss some who passed closely by, and Sisko and Dax pulled them firmly along. One of Quark's dabo girls dropped a whole tray of drinks when Golu winked at her. Halfway through, Kira caught up with them.

"Commander, Odo and I have just finished interrogating the smugglers." Her cheeks were flushed with anger. She had better reason than most to hate slave traders. "They gave up a partner on Krios. Other than that, it looks to us like they were working alone."

"Good work. I'll--"

"Atchhhhishh!" sneezed Golu.

"Bless you," said Sisko. "I'll contact--"

"Atchooo! Sorry, (sniff). Ahhh--ahh--tchoo!"

"Are you feeling all right?" asked Dax.

"Whatever it is, it's (sniff) contagious...huh...TCHOO!" sneezed Matashu. The four empaths exchanged almost imperceptible glances. Raitu and Valeu, whose arms were around Dax, smirked and drew a little closer to her.

"I think it must be that perfume shop," said Golu, rubbing a finger slowly, almost seductively under his nose while looking at Kira. "Sometimes we're a little sensitive to off-world perfumes."

"Well, let's keep walking then," said Sisko, both because of the sneezing and the growing number of females--and a few interested males--that were gathering around them.

"I'd, ah, I'd better check in with you later," said Kira, looking uncomfortable and starting to leave.

"Wait, you haven't eveh--eve--ATCHOO! Excuse be--you haved't eved idtroduced yourself," said Golu.

"I'm Major Kira," she said, brusquely, and again made to leave.

"Bajor Kira," Golu sniffed, taking her hand and holding it. "What a beautiful nabe. I'be Golu."

"And I'm Matashu...huhTCHOO! Oh, excuse me."

"I'm Raitu, and this is Valeu," Raitu said with a sniffle as he took her hand. He wiggled his nose. "Uh-oh, now it's starting to bother me too..."

"Great to meet you all, welcome to Deep Space Nine, sorry I've got to rush off--" And red-faced, she left.

"Come on, let's get going, before you sneeze your heads off," said Dax.

"I guess it was that perfume," said Dax, as they arrived at their quarters. "You've stopped sneezing."

"Yeah, I guess it was," said Golu, with a sly glance at his fellow empaths.

"Well, get some rest," said Sisko, "And when you wake up, we can discuss arrangements about sending you home."

"Thank you, Commander," they all said, and entered their suite. When the door hissed closed, Dax and Sisko could hear them burst out laughing.

"What do you think that was about?" asked Sisko.

"No idea," said Dax. "But least they're in good spirits."

"--so it's all arranged for the transport to pick them up next week," Commander Sisko told the Kriosian priest on screen. The man was their guardian. Apparently, all metamorphs were raised in temples that guided and guarded them until they were bonded. "What I'm not sure of is what to do with them until then. When I suggested that we keep them away from women, they objected, but I don't think it's a good idea to let them just...mingle."

"My dear commander, that's exactly what they need to do. That's what metamorphs do when they are maturing. They need to have plenty of contact with plenty of people, especially women, so they can develop."

"And when you say contact, you mean..."

"I mean whatever they want to do. Talking, flirting, sex--especially sex. They already have implants to protect against pregnancy and disease, so you don't need to worry about that. I mean, guard them at all times, certainly--there are others who are vile enough to capture and sell a metamorph--but let them do as they please. All you need to do is make sure none of them spend too much time with any one woman. One sexual encounter per woman should be the limit. The more varied their experience, the better. They will protest, but don't be afraid to be strict! Make no mistake, they are not mature, they are not able to separate their own desires from those of the woman they are with. You must act as their guardian. You have authority. "

"But--what about this bonding process? Can you be sure it won't happen here?"

"Well, fairly sure, I suppose, although nature can always surprise us, ha ha!"

"I don't like surprises," Sisko said flatly. "Can't they be put in stasis? I've heard that can be done."

"But why would you want to do that, especially after what they've been through? This is the experience of a lifetime for these boys! They've never even been off-world! Besides, they're going through a delicate developmental process. I wouldn't trust anything but a Kriosian Cocoon, and you don't have access to four of those, do you?"

"I doubt it," sighed Sisko.

"No, I didn't think so. And even if it happens, what's the problem? You'll just have a very lucky, very happy woman on your station. Oh--I'm being summoned. Contact me when the boys wake up--and don't worry!"

"Why does it just not seem that simple?" he asked himself as the screen went dead.

Dax, with her knowledge of Kriosian culture, took on planning the logistics of the metamorphs' stay. They were heavily guarded at all times with security personnel who were either extremely straight men or rock-solid lesbians. They were given tours of the station and all the delights of the promenade, where they flirted and seduced like mad. Mating was more controlled: Alone in their room, they were asked select three women to mate with per day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one overnight. Dax, who had tasted the delights of an adolescent metamorph before, was requested as a night- time encounter by all four. She graciously agreed to see each of them in turn.

"Well?" asked Kira, when Dax walked in after the first night, glowing.

"It was amazing. Wonderful. And very educational for him, I think."

"Humble, aren't you?" she smirked. "Which one did you pick?"

"Raitu. And why be humble? As a Trill, I've got the desires of all my previous hosts still within me. They're fascinated. They say it teaches them a lot about complexity." She walked over to Kira. "Golu still wants you for a sleepover. Why did you say no?"

"I just...I don't like younger men," she said, turning away to check another monitor.

"Oh please. You'll like him and you know it. What's the real reason?"

"I don't know...I just think it's creepy, and fake, someone pulling from out of your head your own fantasies and acting them out. It's the same reason I don't like the holodeck. It's not real."

"Yes it is real, it's real for that moment. They're not acting, they really become what you want."

"Well, I think it's weird, so I'll just let some other woman enjoy it. Oh no..." Kira said as she looked to the door.

"...and this is the nerve center of DS9," said Miles O'Brian, leading the metamorphs on a tour. They did not appear to be listening closely, but were engaging the female crew with their eyes. Golu saw Kira and came bounding over.

"Kira," he said, taking her hands and gazing at her with intense eyes and a captivating smile. "I really, really want to see you."

"That's really great but..."

"No, (sniff) listen!" He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "I know, Kira. And I know you've never told anyone. I promise I won't tell, metamorphs are always discreet. I just want to give you what you want because you want it so badly..." Then he backed off, his jaw slackened, his eyes half closed...he pressed a knuckle underneath his nose and stifled a sneeze, "Tchh!"

Kira blushed so hotly it felt like her face was on fire, and was powerfully, ridiculously aroused.

"Please come tonight," he said. He smiled and went back to the group. When he got there he doubled over with a big sneeze. "AHHH-TCHOOO!"

"Bless you!" called Dax, looking concerned. Kira squirmed, and escaped out into the corridor. But soon she was stopped by Julian.

"Major Kira, I'd like to discuss this immunization effort with you. Do you have a minute?"


"Excellent. I've just been looking over the data, and it appears that we're not getting to the mountain populations, and I wonder..."

"Ah-ah-ATCHOOO!" sneezed Golu, walking by with the tour. He stopped near Major Kira while the other metamorphs gathered around Dax. "Atchhhh! Tchooo! (sniff)"

"Well, that doesn't sound good," said the doctor.

"He was sneezing yesterday too," said Dax.

"Was I?" asked Golu innocently.

"Yes, at the promenade, when you met Kira..." said Dax. She began to suspect something, which the empath could sense.

"That was the perfume shop," Golu quickly dissembled. "That made all of us sneeze. But this is something else--I've been--ATCHOOO! (sniff) sneezing off and on all day," he lied.

"Really? Any other symptoms?" asked Julian.

"No, just a sduffy dose," he said, as someone handed him a handkerchief.

"Well, I think you may have caught a respiratory infection. I'd like to take another look at you in sick bay."

"I think it's just an allergy or something--"

"Well whatever it is, I'd like to find out for sure. Come along with me."


"Don't worry, it shouldn't take long." He led the young man away, with his detail of guards trailing him. Golu threw a pleading glance back at Kira as he sniffled into the handkerchief. Kira breathed a shuddering sigh of relief when he was gone.

"You wanted to see me, Julian?" asked Kira, walking into sick bay. It was several hours after their last encounter.

"Yes, it's the metamorph, Golu. I can't figure out what's wrong with him, so I'm keeping him here, and he wants to see you."

"Julian--I really don't have time--"

"Oh come on, Major, he's sick, he's been through quite an ordeal, and he's obviously interested in you. Just visit with him, it won't kill you. He's in there."

Knowing it was unavoidable, Kira poked her head in the door with the guards standing out front. There was Golu, sitting on a medical bed, clutching a handkerchief, and looking very forlorn. But he must have sensed her, because he looked up.

"Kira! You came!" He leapt up and embraced her, then brought her in and closed the door behind them. "I'm still sneezing...your need is so strong, I can feel it everywhere now..."

"Golu--no one knows about this--this is completely private!"

"It shouldn't be. And now you're sharing it with me."

"Why? Why are you so affected, and not the others?"

"Well, we are individuals. I just have a bond with you that the others don't," he shrugged. Then he looked pleadingly at her. "The doctor thinks I'm sick. He won't let me go."

"So you didn't tell him?"

"No, of course not! But you have to, or he'll keep me here. I can't stand it, I just spent two weeks as a captive on a ship with no one to respond to. Please...he's a doctor, he'll understand."

"Oh, by the Prophets..."


"Damn it--yes, yes, all right, I'll tell him."

"Thank you," he said urgently, and embraced her again. "And then...then...will you...ATCHHOOO!!! Sniff...will you mate with me?"


"Please," he murmured, nuzzling her ear. "Uh-oh, I'be goig to sdeeze agaid..." He pulled away, and she could see his nose twitch as the sneeze teased his reddened nostrils...he blinked and his hands made helpless circular motions, as if trying to ward it off..."Atchhhhh! Atchishh! Ah---ahhhh--- ATCHOOOOO!" he sneezed into his handkerchief, followed by a strong blow. Kira could take it no longer, and took his beautiful face in her hands and kissed him passionately.

"All right, you win," she gasped. "Yes, I'll mate with you."

He broke into a delirious grin, picked her up and swung her around in joy.

"Oh, you won't regret it. Doctor!" Golu called.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked, opening the door.

"Kira has something to tell you."

"Well, close the door first," she insisted. He did, and looked up, curiously. "It's that--Golu's not sick."

"Pardon me, Major, but he clearly is."

"No, he's not. He's...he's responding to me." Her face was crimson, she was sure.

"Responding to you?"

"By the Prophets, Julian, don't make me spell it out!"

"But I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I've got--a thing."

"A thing?"

"Yes. A thing. And he's responding to it."

"Ah...I think I see...you mean a sexual fet--"

"Let's just say thing, all right?" Kira cut him off.

"All right, all right, a thing," Julian agreed. "But if he's responding to you, then why is he having symptoms when you're not here?"

"It's a strong thing," she said between clenched teeth.

"It is," added Golu. "Very strong."

"And apparently we have a bond," said Kira.


"No, not a permanent bond, just a connection," said Golu. "And so if you'll excuse us, we're going to go off and have amazing," he kissed her, "incredible," he kissed her again, "life altering sex. But thanks for taking care of me, anyway!" And they began heading out the door. But Kira turned back and said to Julian:

"Oh, and if you ever tell anyone, or even mention it to me...?"

"You'll rip my lungs out, yes, I fully understand, point taken." And they were gone. "Ah, I'm so bloody jealous..." he sighed. He wished he was gay.

In Golu's bed, the pair kissed hungrily as they stripped off each other's clothes. The kisses were interrupted by Golu's sneezes, which made her hotter than she'd ever been before. When Kira had sex, in order to get really aroused, she had to think about sneezing...but now it was really happening, right before her, right in her arms. And he knew. He knew what he was doing to her!

"Oh, yes I know," he said, sniffling, as he kissed her belly and breasts. "And I think it's wonderful."

"Wonderful? How can you say that? It's so bizarre! It's--sneezing!"

"It's fascinating, it's different, it's unique, it's you! And I love you, Nerys, I love every part of you...ATCHOOO!"

"Oh, by the Prophets, Golu..." she cried as she held him tightly to her. And they had amazing, incredible, life-changing sex.

"Oh, Gods, that was spectacular," he said, after their third time. "That was worth being kidnapped for."

"You can't be serious."

"I am serious," he replied. "You've taught me a lot about passion, about secret passions...and your love of sneezing is very unique. I'm glad I've gotten to experience it." He turned over so he was on top of her. "And I'm glad I've gotten to experience you, because I love you so much, so deeply, I've rarely gotten to feel love this intense."

"And I love you too," she whispered. "But I'm surprised at you, as my ideal man. I usually go for men who are very powerful, and kind of unavailable."

"Well, what does that tell you?"

"I don't know, what should it?"

"That's not what you want, that's not what your heart wants."

"And what do I want?"

"To be adored. Completely. And...and..."


"AhhhhTCHOOO! And to be sneezed on," he sniffled. She laughed and pushed him away. "No, honestly, Nerys," he said, wiping his nose. "Don't you think it's time you got at least some of your heart's desire?"

A week later Kira Nerys watched the Kriosian ship fade into the blackness of space. It had been quite a week. The metamorphs had left exhaustion, longing and satisfaction in their wake. She sighed, wishing she could have held on to Golu and wondering if she'd ever find anyone like him. At the very least, she thought, next time she found a lover...she would find a way to tell him what she really wanted. And that, she thought, was a start.

Hatching Week #95, fandom bunny) A male Kriosian metamorph (empath who detects and embodies the desires of those around them) meets someone with a sneeze fetish. What happens?
I own none of this, nor do I get any money from it.
This was a sit down and whip it out in a few hours kind of thing, so I make no apologies for typos, canon inconsistencies or weak storytelling. Hope ya like it anyway!