Albus Dumbledore Catches a Cold
a Harry Potter story
by Superimmunegirl

Dumbledore watched Barty Crouch Jr.'s arrest yet again, searching for something he might have missed. He felt there was something more there, but perhaps he was imagining things; perhaps it would be more fruitful to...

"Ehhyyyytchahh!" he sneezed, jerking up out of the Pensieve just in time, before he sneezed the precious memory into oblivion. The silvery surface rippled but nothing had splashed out, he saw with relief. He reached for the handkerchief he'd left on the table-his nose had been running earlier-and blew. He sniffed and wondered why his nose was so stuffy. Maybe it was because he'd been bending over into the Pensieve. He was about to dip his head down into the memory again when the tickle returned. "Ehhhhtchmph!" he sneezed, this time muffling it with the hastily grabbed hanky. He blew yet again, thinking maybe he'd had enough memories for the evening. He decided to tackle some paperwork he'd been avoiding instead.

As he worked, he occasionally had to wipe his nose. Was it dust that was bothering him? Albus wondered, absent-mindedly. He was not usually so sensitive. Perhaps Severus had been cooking up essence of Firewort; that would explain the sneezing and the irritation in Albus' throat. He turned to opening letters. There were several from concerned parents, including one asking what measures Hogwarts was taking to protect students against Troll Fever, which had been cropping up on the Continent. He'd let Poppy field that one, he thought, tossing it to one side. Not that she didn't have enough to do, with half the school down with a particularly...nasty...

"EhhhhhhTCHOOO!" he sneezed, and then the obvious finally dawned on him. He chuckled at his own stupidity. Sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose and scratchy throat--he had a cold, of course! But it had been so many years since the last one, he honestly thought he'd already caught every virus there was to be had in his long career of teaching. But apparently, he thought, wiping his nose, this latest cold sweeping through the school was an exception. Well, the paperwork could wait. It was time for a visit to Poppy.


The Hospital Wing was filled with students waiting to be seen, all sniffling and clutching tissues. One of the girls sneezed, and there were a few half-hearted blessings. Then Albus sneezed : "ETCHHHUCHSHSH!"

"Bless you," they all chorused, wide eyed.

"Do you have a cold too, sir?" asked the girl who had sneezed.

"I'm afraid so," he said, with what he hoped was a twinkle. "Even your headmaster is not immune to-tuhh-ATCHHCHHH!"

"Bless you," they all said again.

"Thank you," he sighed, wiping his nose. As he pocketed the handkerchief, Poppy emerged.

"Oh, Albus, I'm glad you're here. I've been meaning to send for you, but it's been rather hectic. Please, come into my office."

Albus followed her.

"We have a bit of a problem," she said, once she'd closed the door behind them. "Severus hasn't been able to make Pepperup in a while because we've been out of rheumsbane-you know it's been scarce because of the blight last summer. We've had it on order for three weeks. I sent them a very insistent owl yesterday, and I just received a message that they flat out don't have any. So I've put in a very expensive order to have it shipped from overseas, and they say they can have it here by tomorrow. But as of now, I've stopped giving out-"

"Ehhhhtchummphh! Eh-ehhhTCHAHH!" Albus sneezed.

"-Pepperup. Oh dear," she sighed.

"Yes," he said, with a pronounced sniffle. "I'm afraid I've got this cold too."

"I'm sorry, Albus. I've saved a few doses for hospital staff and for any one who develops complications, but..."

"No, no, I quite understand," he assured her. "You don't, ah, have any of the older remedies...?"

"No, we don't stock them, and we can't make them either. All the old cold remedies use rheumsbane too. I could give you something for fever or cough..." she said, touching his face and doing a quick, wandless diagnosis spell. "But you don't appear to be suffering from either. The only thing I can suggest is tea and rest, and to bear with it until tomorrow."

"I'm sure I can get through a day or two with a cold," he assured her. "Muggles do it all the time."

"Good man. I'll send a message to the Heads of Houses, to let them know what the situation is. I'm recommending all students with colds rest in their dormitories until we can provide them with Pepperup."

"Madame Pomfrey," said an assistant healer, poking his head through the door, "Lana Woolrich is breathing fire."

"Not again," she groaned. "Excuse me, Albus, I'd better take care of that."

"Of course, don't worry about....ehhhhtchahh! (sniff)," he said to her retreating form.



Albus returned to his office. He supposed he ought to go to bed, but it felt strange doing that so early. With Hogwarts hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament, he had even more work to do than usual. So he sat down at his desk with a pile of papers and a couple of handkerchiefs, and tried to make some headway.

It was difficult to concentrate. As long as it had been since he'd last caught a cold, it had been even longer since he'd had to suffer through one without the benefit of Pepperup. When he was growing up, Pepperup was not given to young children because of the stunting effects of doxy toxin. The formula had since been refined, but Albus had many memories of being wrapped up in blankets with his feet in a hot mustard bath, or being tucked into bed and taking cherry-flavored cough potions. He remembered his mother's care, and how she always made him whatever he wanted to eat when he was sick. His father would tell him wonderful stories, and reassure him that he'd feel better soon.

As Albus dwelled on these memories, he found himself becoming somewhat melancholy. He missed the days when he had people to look after him. Of course, he didn't want a mustard foot bath, but he wished that he had someone who could make him a cup of tea, or tell him to put aside his work and go to bed. But he didn't. He had a lot of people who depended on him, but who did he have to depend on anymore? That was the problem with being an old bachelor. He searched his mind for someone, for he really did feel in need of a little sympathy. His first thought was Minerva. But as much as he relied on her professionally, she was a rather formal person. He wondered if she'd think badly of the Headmaster coming to one of his teachers because he was feeling sorry for himself. His brother Aberforth might offer a few words of comfort, but he would be working hard at the tavern, and anyway, Albus didn't want to give the cold to him.  He had some old friends he could write to, but he wouldn't hear back from them for a couple of days at the earliest. His spirits sank lower. Right now, there was really no one he could go to.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," he called, surprised. The door opened to admit Poppy. "Well, what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to tell you that we've already received the rheumsbane. Severus is purifying it now, and we should have enough Pepperup for everyone by tomorrow afternoon."

"Excellent news, thank you. I shan't mind being rid of this cold," he said, lifting up his handkerchief a bit, as if to demonstrate his illness.

"I'll send it up the second it's done," she assured him with a smile. And then she turned around and left.

Albus was crestfallen. Not so much as a "get some rest," or "take care", or asking him if he needed anything. He reprimanded himself for his foolish thoughts-clearly she was extremely busy, what did he expect?-and went doggedly back to his work. But his head hurt, and his throat hurt, and his nose constantly ran and...

"EhhhTSCHAHHH! Ehh...Ehhhhh....etchshhhh! ETCHOOO!" He groaned, blew his nose, and gave in. He would go to bed.

He walked though the halls towards his bedroom, and on the way, passed Minerva's office. The lights were on, and he paused. Well, he thought to himself, I should at least let her know I'm ill. That way she'll be prepared to make any announcements tomorrow at breakfast, if I'm not feeling up to it. He knocked on her door.

"Come in," she called, and he entered.

"Sorry to disturb you, Biderva," he sniffed.

"Albus! You're ill," she exclaimed.

"I'b afraid so," he acknowledged, gratified by her obvious concern. "Apparedly I just....hehhhtchahhh! Just bissed the last dose of Pepperup."

"I'm so sorry. And, bless you."

"Thag you. I'b heading to bed dow. I just wadted to tell you I...ehhhTCHHSH! Etchhahhhh! Sniff...tell you I bight dot be at breakfast toborrow..."

"I should say not," she said, as Albus honked into his handkerchief. "Don't you worry, I'll take care of everything," she said, getting up and moving towards him. Albus took a step back.

"You should't get too close, Biderva," he warned.

"Don't worry, I've had it," she said, drawing close and patting him on the arm. "I had to take a dose of potion yesterday. Do you need anything?"

"That's...that's very kind of you, but I thig I just deed to go to bed."

"Are you sure? What about a hot toddy to help you sleep?"

"Well," he said, beginning to feel rather nicely cared for, "Well yes, that does soud like a good idea."

"I'll be right up," she told him.

Fifteen minutes later he was warm and comfortable in his bed, and in much better spirits.

"You should drink it while it's hot," Minerva told him as she handed over the beverage.

"Thank you Biderva. This is just what I deeded," he said.

"I hope it helps," she said. "Do let me know if there's anything else I can do, all right?"

"I will. Thags agaid, I....ehhhtchummphh! (sniff)...I do appreciate it."

"Bless you. It's nothing at all," she said, smoothing the covers over him a bit. "Sleep well."

And he did.



The next afternoon, Minerva McGonagall was working at her desk when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said, and saw Albus coming through the door, smoke billowing from his ears. She chuckled. "Got your Pepperup, I see. How do you feel?"

"Completely well again." he said, grinning.

"Oh, that's good to hear. You certainly sound a lot better than you did last night. Did you just take the potion?"

"Yes, Severus brought it to me himself. Actually, he came by this morning too, to check up on me."

"Ah, he did, did he? Well, good. Do you know the story behind that?"

"No, what?"

"Well, he was rather concerned when he heard you were ill, so while he was waiting for the rheumsbane to finish distilling, he asked Poppy if she'd been up to see you this morning. She said no, and he began to reprimand her for shirking her duties."

"Oh, no..." Albus said, wincing.

"Oh, yes. She exploded. You could hear the shouting on the North Tower."

"Well, I don't blame her," he sighed. "She's been dreadfully overworked lately. A new apprentice Healer to train, the Troll Fever scare..."

"Yes, and trust Severus not to notice it. She told him-among other things-that if he was so concerned about you, he should check on you himself."

"Well, he did, and I appreciated it. Poor boy. He does mean well."

"Sometimes," Minerva said, skeptically. "He is quite devoted to you," she admitted.

"Yes, he is. It's good to be reminded." Albus said. "Minerva, I want to thank you for being so kind to me last night. You really cheered me up."

"I'm glad," she said, a little surprised. "But was there something wrong? Apart form the cold, I mean?"

 "Well, quite frankly," he admitted, "I was feeling sorry for myself...thinking I had no one to look after me. It was foolish."

"Oh, Albus. Yes, it was foolish, but we all feel that way sometimes. You should have said something."

"Yes, you're right, I probably should have," he agreed. Then he smiled. "But, as it turned out...I didn't need to."

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Also, this was sort of hurried and un-beta-edited, because I just wanted to get it out before the plot bunnies got too old.
Author's Notes: Response to plot bunnies #140 (Fandom) and #141 (General):
#140 (Fandom): Write a Dumbledore sneezefic. You choose the time frame.
#141 (General): Write a fic in which a character is sick with a cold and really just wants to be taken care of, but doesn't want or know how to ask for that kind of treatment. Try to be creative with your choice of characters for this fic. Pick someone overlooked, or someone who most people would think would ask for help immediately.