Saving Face
a Interview with a Vampire story
by Niki
"Rats?" Claudia wrinkled her cute little nose at him. "When did you eat rats?"
"It was a long time ago," he responded, mentally kicking Lestat for bringing it up. It wasn't like Lestat to bring up bad memories of the past. Instead, he typically kept them tucked away, to just behind his eyes, where they could be seen, but never heard, never spoken about.
Lestat knew he had upset Louie. It was part of his gifts to read minds. But, he kept his thoughts to himself. Carefully, while Claudia sought out her dinner, he pulled his lace lined handkerchief out of his sleeve and tended to his nose.
Although Louie pretended to be watching Claudia, he noticed. How could he not? This was easily the 5th time Lestat had tended to his nose that night.
When Claudia had followed her prey down a long alleyway, he turned to Lestat. "Are you well, my friend?" he asked, gingerly.
Lestat sniffed. "Well enough. I need to feed." He sniffed again.
"Is there something in the area that is making you unwell?"
"Your nagging is making my headache, and it tires me. Go find Claudia."
Raising an eyebrow, Louie said nothing. With a quick nod of his head, and a gentle kiss to Lestat's lips, Louie followed Claudia down the alleyway.
"Heh-eshhoo! Efresshoo! Kessh!" Lestat sneezed. They were light, almost airy, but they were there. He groaned to himself. He had been sick only once before, since he was turned. But, it was dreadful. Then, at least, he had been alone, and didn't have to suffer in front of people. Claudia, he was sure would understand, and leave him alone. But, Louie... Louie had a heart of tenderness that no vampire ever should. And that, he could tell, would infuriate him.
The two of them came out from the alley. Claudia's cheeks were rosy, proof that she had a good feed. Louie looked worried, but chattered on with her about one of her silly notions anyway.
"Ik-ah-Shoo!" The sneeze exploded out of him. Thankfully, he had not tucked his handkerchief back into his sleeve yet. Both Claudia and Louie looked at him, as he stood hunched over.
"I'm not sure I'm feeling up to this," she said, elegantly. "Perhaps we should skip the show tonight."
Lestat sniffed. "No, chere. We paid a lot of money for these tickets. We will go tonight." He cleared his now tickling throat.
"Lestat, there is a woman on the corner, who is looking like she wants you," Louie whispered into Lestats' ear. "Why don't you go grant her requests."
Louie's breath warm and light, tickled Lestat's ear, in just the way he liked it tickled. He felt his body rise to the occasion. Subconsciously, he leaned into Louie and smiled. "Yes," he said breathlessly. "Yes, go fetch her for me, would you?" Suddenly, the tickle was back. "Hesshh!" He blew his nose lightly.
"Claudia, stay here," Louie commanded, as he did what Lestat asked. He had never seen Lestat sick before. In fact, he was certain that vampires could not become ill. But, apparently he was wrong, for Lestat was just that: ill.
He exchanged pleasantries with the whore on the corner, and brought her to Lestat, who had since regained control. Allured by his handsome charm, the woman entwined her arm with his and the four of them continued to the show.
"Heh-shxxt! Ixxsht!" Lestat sneezed quietly.
Both Louie and Claudia turned immediately. Louie's face held unmasked concern. Claudia just looked confused. "Bless you. I hope you're not catching a chill," she said innocently.
He blew his nose lightly. "Thank you chere. I'm fine."
"I'll keep you warm," the woman t his side said as she started to nibble his neck.
He licked his lips and started to kiss her shoulder in return, carefully baring his fangs. With a gentle motion, he stretched her arm out to Louie, who he noticed still had not eaten. Brushing his lips up and down her wrist, Louie felt her blood pulse within it.
"Hah-ixxst!" The sneeze had crept up on Lestat, and he was barely able to turn his head away fast enough to prevent catching the young lady in the spray.
Claudia quickly turned her attention to Louie, who pressed a finger to his lips. "Keep watching the play," he whispered, and she pretended to listen to him.
"Awww..." the young woman soothed, gently tugging at his long hair.
Unable to contain his hunger any longer, he kissed her neck and sank in his fangs. Louie followed in suit drinking out of her wrist. Finally, when the heart was about to stop, they laid her down. Lestat could feel her blood coursing through him, soothing his ailment.
"She was right. She did keep me warm," he said, smiling at Louie.
"Then let's get you home before you get cold again."
"Must we leave?" Claudia asked, innocently.
"Yes, we must. Come Lestat."
Not used to being bossed around, Lestat stared at him coldly. But, then his nose started to act up again. "Right you are, Louie," he said, standing at once. As he stood, his head swam, and he couldn't see straight. He leaned heavily on his walking stick.
Louie noticed, though the act wasn't obvious. He entwined his arm with Lestat's and lead him out of the theatre.
After Claudia went to her coffin, Louie helped Lestat onto the bed in the bedroom.
Lestat groaned as he laid down, and felt a chill run across his spine, as Louie tucked him in.
"You would think with immortality, so would come the end of illness," Louie said, sitting down next to him.
"You would think that. But, it's not the case. Hesshixxt!"
"Bless you." Louie watched as Lestat shivered with another chill. "Do you need another blanket?"
"No. I'll be fine. I just -- Kessxt!"
"Rest now. Don't fight it. Just let them come."
"Oh, Louie, stop being so -- kisshxt! Higgsht! Assxgahh!"
"Really, Lestat. I heard you sneeze in the street. You don't have to suppress them for my sake."
"And what would you have me do? Moan so incessantly loud it wakes Claudia?"
"She'll need to learn about diseased blood, eventually. Wouldn't it be best to do so while we're both here to guide her?"
"Yes. But, not now." He yawned widely.
"Would you like to rest in your coffin?"
Lestat looked at him. His cold eyes were dark and pleading. "Don't leave me tonight Louie," he whispered.
Taken back by the request, Louie only nodded.
Slowly, the two made their way to Lestat's coffin, where he snuggled into Louie, and Louie held him into the next night.