Call Me Remus
a Harry Potter story
by Niki
"His-chiff!" Remus blew his nose steadily. Spring was in the air and so was every pollen imaginable. He sniffed, but it didn't do any good. His nose was still hot, itchy and running. He blew again, and performed the drying spell on his handkerchief. "Heh-ik- chiff!" He blew his nose again, and wished he had something he could take, but he'd have to go to Diagon Ally to find the special blends he needed. "His-chiff!" Reluctantly, Remus got up from his chair and closed the windows. He loved the cross-breeze, but it upset his allergies so badly that he became too irritated to enjoy it.
His allergies were one of the two things that made him hate summer. The other was loneliness. He only saw people when he went out... nobody ever came to visit. And right now he really couldn't go
out."Heh-heh-i-chiff!" He caught his sneeze just in time and blew his nose again. He refused to sneeze freely, even if he was home and alone. It wasn't proper – no matter how much his nose tickled.
Remus started to walk up the stairs, to his study, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Startled he pulled his want out. He hated keeping his wand on him at all times – especially in his own home. But, these were dangerous times, and he'd never gotten over what happened to Lily and James. The knock came again, but louder this time. Remus cautiously walked down the stairs. He felt his nose start to tickle. `Oh no,' he thought, `not now.'
He peered out the window and was pleasantly surprised at who he saw standing there. He smiled, but kept his want at the ready, just incase she'd been followed.
"Hello, Hermione," he said, as he opened the door. His nostrils twitched at the fresh air.
Hermione backed away from the door, surprised. "Professor Lupin! I –," she composed herself, and started again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your house."
Remus scanned the area, but she seemed to be totally alone. "Why, yes it is. Would you like t-," his breath hitched, "come in?"
"I don't mean to impose. I just wanted to know how to get to the nearest town."
Remus smiled, warmly. The tickle in his nose was getting worse, and he badly wanted to close the door. But, he knew Hermione would stand on ceremony as long as she thought she needed to. "No imposition."
"Okay, then. Thank you." Hermione smiled as she strode into his home. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail and a fairly large backpack on her back. "Do you mind if I set this down?"
He shook his head has his breath hitched again. "N-hisshiff!" He sniffed, then tried again, "No, go ahead." He blew his nose gently.
"Bless you. And, thank you." She sighed in relief as she set her bag down.
As Remus went to close the door, he succumbed to a sneeze that doubled him over.
"Bless you," Hermione said walking over to him. "Sir, are you alright?"
He closed the door and sat down on the couch. "Yes. Just allergies."
"Oh, I know. They're bad this year. That's why I'm alone. My two traveling companions couldn't take the pollen, so they went home."
"Harry and Ron just left you?"
Hermione loosed confused for a moment. "Oh, no, sir. Friends from home. Muggles.
"Ah. A-ha-ssshoo! Excuse me."
"I have some medicine that might help. It's muggle stuff, but it does the trick for me," Hermione offered.
"No, thank you. It doesn't settle well with me."
"I understand. It's all chemical, so if your body isn't used to it, I'm sure it can make you very sick."
"In-indeed." Remus pinched his nose closed. He felt his face flush and eyes start to tear. He couldn't think of a worse time for Hermione to come calling. But, he didn't have the heart to send her away either. "So...backpacking through England?"
"The UK actually. We started in Wales and went through Scotland and Ireland. After Ireland, my companions went home, and I kept going."
"A-a'choo! Excuse be. Anb your brents are oday wid dis?" He blew his nose again.
"Bless you. Yes, they are. Just so long as I call them once a day." She held up her cell phone.
"Did you call dem today?"
"No, my phone died. I need to get to the nearest town to recharge the battery. She looked around. "I don't suppose you have electricity here?"
"No, I'b sorry. Hisshoo!" He blew his nose again and dabbed the tears from his eyes.
"Bless you. Well, I do need to call them. So, if you cold direct me to the nearest town, I'll let you rest – and see you another time."
"Hisshoo! Well, the nearest town is about 30 miles away."
"Would there be any on Diagon Ally?"
"Not terribly likely. Hischiff!"
"Bless you." Hermione pressed her lips together. "Well," she said walking over to her pack, "I'd better get going then."
"Wa-chi-chiff! Wait!" Suddenly, just as badly as he had wanted her to leave, he wanted her to stay. "You could use my owl. Just explain what happened. I'm sure they'll understand."
She smiled. "Thank you, Professor."
Remus started to get up, but the world spun around him and he quickly fell back onto the couch.
"Sir, are you okay?"
"I jus-kisshoo! Atchoo! Hisshoo! Kishoo!" each sneeze was weaker than the last, but shook his body harder. He pressed his handkerchief to his face, afraid to let it down. He felt tears slide down his face. He tired to blow his nose, but it was too plugged up. He chocked on the pressure.
"Here, lay down," Hermione gently pushed him, so that he was lying on the couch.
"No, I'm finb." He tried to fight against her, but she kept her hand on his shoulder.
"No, sir. Just relax. It's okay. Just tell me where your owl is."
He did and she sent the letter. When she went back to him, his eyes were closed. She felt his forehead – no fever. She untied his shoes and took them off. She started massaging his feet, like her mother had taught her. But, at the first sign of pressure he jerked awake. "Wha-hashiff!" He missed the sneeze with his handkerchief, but sneezed it directly into his chest. "Excuse be. Whad are do doig?"
"Reflexology. It should help clear you out."
"It tickles."
"Sorry." Hermione stopped. She looked at her ex-teacher. He'd always been pale, but he looked so sickly now. His eyes were bloodshot and his nose so pink and raw. He had bags under his eyes, and his body just seemed weak. Hermione fidgeted for a minute. "I'll go get you some water," she said hurriedly.
"Thank you," he whispered, as he let sleep take him.
When he awoke Hermione was dozing in the easy chair. She looked so calm and peaceful. He became aware that he'd be covered with a blanket and a proper pillow had been placed under his head. He also noticed his sinuses hurt like the dickens. Congested and dry the pressure filled his head with a dull throb. He was not ale to breath through his nose, which made his throat tickle. He felt a coughing fit coming on, but he didn't want to disturb the young lady asleep in the easy chair.
When he sat up, his sinuses drained. The pressure changed so quickly that he couldn't stop the sneezes. He fumbled for a handkerchief, and found a clean one on the arm of the couch. No sooner had he brought it to his face than they overtook him. "heh- eh-heh ATCHOO! Hisshoo! Tisshoo! Eishoo! Asshoo! ITchoo! He-he-eh- HA-tchoo!" Be blew his nose wetly and felt the pressure releasing. A wave of dizziness struch him and made him lay back down.
"Bless you," Hermione said, gently. She felt his forehead, "You're warm," she said, not so much to him, but as to herself.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm dressed in layers," Remus explained. "I'm just overheated. Hitchoo!" He snorted wetly. "I've never cleared out this fast before, I just don't understand it."
"Excuse me?" Now it was Remus' turn to be confused.
"Once you fell asleep, I was able to do some reflexology on you. That's what's helping clear you out."
He nodded. "Thank you – hisshoo!" He groaned and blew his nose again.
"Why don't you go take a hot shower? It'll help clear you out a bit more," Hermione suggested.
"Sounds like a good idea. I think I will. Hisshoo!" Although he wouldn't admit it, he did feel very hot and sweaty. A nice shower would help tremendously.
Hermione heard him start climbing the steps, and walk down the hall upstairs. She then went into the kitchen to make him some dinner. Finding very little, she left a note saying she'd gone to Diagon Ally and would be back shortly.
Walking through Diagon Ally she found herbs for tea and other necessitates she'd need to cook him dinner. She also set herself up for a room at the Leaky Cauldron. She was embarrassed to ask if she could stay the night – after all he wasn't invited her to stay at all. And by now, she should have been on her way.
She stopped into Weasleys Wizard Wheezes to see Fred and George, and was pleasantly surprised to see Mrs. Weasley there as well. As the two of them caught up, Hermione told her about her vacation and where she had found herself this morning.
"How is he dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"Not very well. His allergies are giving him a good deal of trouble."
"Yes. Poor man. Well you must stay with him for at least a few days."
"Well, I've set myself up at the Leaky Cauldron. He hasn't asked me to stay with him, after all."
Mrs. Weasley looked scandalized. "The dear. He needs someone to stay with him. And, if he hasn't asked you to leave, then he's chosen to have you stay."
"I just felt uncomfortable there. He's my old professor."
"He's your friend, isn't he?" Mrs. Weasley asked impatiently.
Hermione nodded. "Well, I like to count him as one."
"Then give him the help he needs."
Hermione fidgeted. None of this was proper.
"Where is he, dear?"
"He's taking a shower, at home. I went shopping for dinner."
"Do be sure none of the herbs affect his medication."
"I have, thank you. I guess I should be getting back to him. Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."
"Of course. And, if you need any help, just owl us. We'll be in the Burrow for the summer."
When Hermione returned to Remus' house, she was surprised to still hear the shower running. She went upstairs to the washroom. There was a good deal of steam coming from under the door. "Sir?" she called in. "Are you alright?" When she didn't receive an answer she opened the door a crack and repeated her request. The water was running hard, and she couldn't' make out a reply. She picked his towel up off the sink and went inside. "Sir?"
She reached behind the curtain and turned off the water, without looking. She heard a very weak groan. When she pulled back the curtain she gasped. Remus was curled into the fetal position. His skin was scalded and his arms and legs were filled with cuts and scratches. When he picked up his head, she noticed how much worse he looked, and she could see the lacerations on his chest. She wrapped the towel around him, and patted him dry. She ran downstairs and brought him back a glass of cool water. She held the glass to his lips and tipped it back. "Drink," she commanded.
He took a few sips then pulled back. "Don't feel good," he breathed.
"Why was the water running so hot?"
"Thought th-th-kisshoo! steam would help. Didn't c-c-cou-shhh! count on da dehy-drashh! dehybrasion." His voice became thick, and Hermione handed him a tissue.
"Thang do." He blew weakly. Exhaustion began to overtake him.
"Come on, let's get you to bed."
Remus wrapped the towel around his waist and leaned on Hermione for support. She carefully guided him down the hall and put him to bed. She placed a pair of sweats on his bed and told him to get dressed.
"Thang do."
"It's alright. Would you like some dinner?"
"No, dus' sleeb. Dangs."
Hermione moved towards the door.
"Dermoinde were do plandig on sdayid here donidt?"
"The Leaky Cauldron actually. It's too dark for me to set up my tent."
Remus frowned. "I'd prefer if do sdayed dere donidt. For dor own s- sa- safedy. Kisshoo! Budt –," he broke off. He didn't want to be a burden on her. But, he knew he wasn't well enough to care for himself. The shower had done him more harm than good.
"I'll floo the Cauldron and tell them I'm not coming."
"Hi-kisshhh! Thang do." He sniffed wetly and grabbed his head, as the pressure began to build again.
Hermione set herself up in her bedroll, on the couch. The summer had been full of wonderful adventure, but she'd never send this happening.
She woke up a few hours later, and went upstairs to check in on Remus. She felt his forehead. He was burning up. She put a cooled handkerchief on his forehead, and wet his lips with a bit of water. He sighed in his sleep, but didn't awake. She went back downstairs and back to sleep.
The next time she awoke was to the sound of muted words. She hurried upstairs to find Remus thrashing around in bed. His eyes were slammed closed and he kept shouting as if he was being attacked. Panicked, Hermione called to him, "Professor! Professor Lupin, wake up! Remus!!"
But, he didn't seem to hear her. He started screaming in agony, and clawing at his chest. Before she could stop herself, she grabbed his wrists. "No!" she shouted at him.
He started to tremble violently. Tears started mixing in with the screams.
"Professor, it's okay," Hermione stated in a loud, but soothing voice.
He didn't hear her. He tried to pull his wrists out of her grip, but he was too weak.
"Remus! Remus, you're safe. Nothing's going to hurt you," she said soothingly, sitting in his bed next to him.
"NO!" he shouting tearing his arms away from her. He tried to get up, but she pushed him back down.
"No, no, sweetie. You can't get up. You must rest. Professor, you must stay in bed."
He kicked his knees up, hitting her in the back, once. She winced, but knew she had to stay with him. "Remus!" she yelled.
"I can't, I just can't..." he said in his sleep between sobs.
She softened her tone. "I know."
Suddenly, he started yelling again. "NO!" he yelled as he opened his eyes and sat straight up. She caught him in a hug, and tightened her grip around him. She rubbed his back soothingly. "Shhh," she soothed as he pulled her close and sobbed into her shoulder. "It's alright. It's okay, it was all a bad dream."
He just held on and sobbed.
After about an hour, she laid him back onto the bed and laid down, on top of the covers next to him. He moved towards her touch. It was scary, knowing how vulnerable she was right now, but she couldn't imagine leaving him alone, either.
"Rough night, huh?" she heard as she woke up.
"A bit intense, but not rough," Hermione said, trying not to sound as tired as she felt.
Remus sniffed. "Hisshoo! Excuse me. Night terrors... I'm sorry you had to see me like that." He bowed his head and looked positively humiliated.
"It's alright sir. In this day and age, it's a wonder if everybody doesn't have them."
He smiled, half heartedly, but didn't make eye contact. "I guess you'll be on your way today, then?"
"Not unless you're well enough."
"Well I don't want to ruin the rest of your summer."
"A few more days won't ruin anything. Besides, I'll fell better when I know you're well again."
He smiled. A very peculiar witch. So smart and tender. If only she was a few years older – or if she were at least out of Hogwarts – he could easily find himself falling for her. He wondered if she could ever see herself fall for him as well. "Thank you," he said graciously.
She got out of the bed. "Sir?"
"Remus, call me Remus."
She smiled, warmly. "Remus, you look exhausted. Why don't you get some rest? I'll be downstairs if you need anything."
Remus nodded and let sleep overtake him.
Written for week 120 hatching