a Star Wars story
by Nermal

Rubbing his eyes, Obi-Wan took a deep breath and tried to clear his head. Digging the heels of his hands into his eyes seemed to encourage the irritation. Only when his eyes teared and nose ran did he pull his hands away from his face to stare at the datapad again. Astronavigation was one of his better subjects and the exams in it usually did not cause him any level of difficulty. Today, however, the explosion of reds and oranges before his tired, itchy eyes had made just as much sense as the figures on the datapad in front of him. With another deep breath he ran one hand through his hair in exasperation. The last few questions would have been relatively simple if he could concentrate on them instead of on staying awake. He shouldn't have come to the exam; Obi-Wan knew well enough that the studying he had done a six-month ago wasn't sufficient enough. When he and Qui-Gon's duties on Nequist had lasted three weeks longer than expected, he lost both his chance to reschedule the exam and to do the extra studying he had planned on upon return to Coruscant. Instead of joining Qui-Gon in the Council chambers, he opted to take the first of his senior padawan exams shortly after their return to the Jedi Temple.

It appeared he had made the wrong choice. Not that a Council session was preferable to an astronav exam, indeed, it was probably worse. He ought to have taken his master's advice and rested. Qui-Gon hadn't been harsh with him, offering to run him a bath and make him a cup of tea. Obi-Wan rubbed his nose into his shoulder and reluctantly turned his thoughts from his master's gentle concern to the exam.

Obi-Wan keyed in his answer for one of the questions, only to hit save and abandon the pad one more time. The beginnings of a sneezing fit tickled his nose, which he tried to curb by stifling it into the crook of his elbow. "EhhChssht! CHssshh! eh-hept!Sshoo!"

A few of the other students murmured a quiet 'bless you' while others only turned around to see who had disrupted the tense quiet of the room. Obi-Wan nodded – a combination of both gratitude for the blessings and also an apology for sneezing out loud. The urge had been plaguing him throughout the whole exam, yet he had managed to hold it back until now. Only a few small, silent sneezes had escaped during the earlier part of the test, which Obi-Wan was sure nobody had noticed. He was determined not to explode into a violent fit. Sneezing out the tickle would be as embarrassing as it would messy. Sniffling quietly, Obi-Wan went back to his test.

He read the remaining problems over again. Each time he attempted a solution his logic seemed to jumble. The knowledge was there, somewhere in the back of his mind, but he wasn't quite able to reach it. Obi-Wan could imagine the examples and practice problems he had worked on prior to the exam. Even as he grasped for the crucial steps in solving the problems, the figures on the pad danced and swam before his eyes in a greenish haze. Obi-Wan blinked rapidly. When his vision didn't clear and he felt a tingling run through his sinuses, he rapidly clapped both hands over his hands and nose.

"HuhKEHSHshoo!" Fewer people blessed him this time. The sneeze came on too quickly for him to prevent, and its loud, sudden sound seemed to echo in the classroom. As the tickle built again slowly, Obi-Wan forced it back. "ahh…CHH! Chh-shuh hih... ehhKhgstt!!" Stifling the last sneeze killed the tickle, but made Obi-Wan's sinuses ache. If he kept this up, he would have a headache on top of fatigue and an itchy nose.

He should not, by rights, have any of those symptoms. A case of the sniffles could be easily taken care of by a simple healing trance, even if those sniffles included the incessant urge to sneeze. A padawan about to reach senior status had both the training and ability to prevent or cure such minor illnesses. Rubbing his nose to ease some the leftover tingling there, Obi-Wan sighed. He was annoyed at himself for allowing the runny nose to develop into a head cold. He was annoyed at himself for not having enough self-control to get through the exam without sneezing like an ill initiate. He was also annoyed at himself for not being able to complete the exam with satisfaction. Clicking off the datapad and wiping his nose in his tunic sleeve, Obi-Wan rose from his seat. There was no point in staying any longer.

"Are you finished already, Padawan Kenobi?" The astronavigation master looked up from her desk curiously as Obi-Wan deposited his datapad there. The absence of any other pads revealed that Obi-Wan had been the first to hand his in.

"Yes, Master Renata. I – excuse, me – " Obi-Wan raised one hand and turned away from the desk. "EhhKishh! Chshhishh! Ishh!!... hahh..." The quiet sneezes ended with a tight sigh. "Excuse me again. Yes, I've done as much as I could."

Looking as if she was about to say something, Master Renata glanced up at Obi-Wan. He resisted the urge to sniffle as he waited for her to respond. After a few seconds she took the datapad and smiled at him. "All right then. I'll see you next week for the second half of the exam, Obi-Wan."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." Obi-Wan sketched a quick bow. Grateful for the abbreviated farewell he walked out of the classroom and into the corridor. As soon as he was a few paces away from the room and he heard the door hiss shut Obi-Wan paused. He brought his hand, in a loose fist, to his face, and took a wavering breath.

"ehh... heh! heh, huhISHHshoo! Oooh, EhhGESHH!! KishhAhhh! AhhTISHH!" Relief that he didn't know he was longing for flooded through Obi-Wan. He closed his hand over his nose more tightly and tipped his head back. "ahh! Huh! HuhChshooh! EhhTishhshoo! uhhISSSHH!!" The sneezes had already made his hand damp. As he lowered it to his belt, a trembling tickle filled his nostrils. "eh! HISHshhSHOO! ihhTISHOOSHH!!"

Bent at the waist Obi-Wan dug the handkerchief from his belt pocket. Sneezing freely had caused his nose to run just as freely. The sniffles had transformed from annoying to desperate. With relief that rivaled what he felt earlier, Obi-Wan cleared his nose. If he had to take it now, he would never be able to survive the exam without sneezing or sniffling wetly the whole time The first twinges of congestion were felt, but ignored, as a hand clapped Obi-Wan on the shoulder. Besides wanting to get back to his rooms as soon as possible, Obi-Wan had hoped to avoid meeting anyone in the corridor and having them see him in such a state. Whoever stood next to him now must have witnessed his uncontrolled display of cold symptoms. He preferred not to draw attention to himself; the idea of having been watched made him uncomfortable. Discreetly Obi-Wan wiped his nose, sniffled into the handkerchief and turned around.

"Bit under the weather, Kenobi?" Warm brown eyes smiled at him as, Garen, one of Obi-Wan's year-mates guided him to an alcove. Garen patted him on the shoulder sympathetically before he could answer. "Here, do you need to sit?"

"I just need some rest." Obi-Wan replied. "I'm not sick."

"Well, you need rest, I'll grant you that much. You look like an exceptionally good-looking Twi'lek after an eventful mating season on Ryloth. Well, except for the good-looking part. Didn't you get any sleep before the exam?"

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to rebuke Garen, but ended up covering it with his handkerchief once again. "EhhhKifft! Keshhn! ehh... hehpt!Choo!"

"Bless you. Not that sick, right." Garen shook his head. "So, how was Ryloth?"

"I didn't go to Ryloth." Mumbling through the handkerchief and a slightly stuffy nose, Obi-Wan shot Garen a sharp look. "I went to Nequist; Master Qui-Gon and I returned this morning."

"It's still morning, Obi-Wan."


Obi-Wan stood up from the small bench. Garen shook his head again when Obi-Wan shivered, but refused the hand up from the bench his friend offered. He turned back to Garen as they walked away from the alcove. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I just need to get some sleep. Besides a cold, damp atmosphere, Nequist possesses a four hour night." And a twenty-six hour day, Obi-Wan added silently. He scrubbed a hand over his forehead. The fatigue that had built up over the two-month period he spent on the planet was beginning to manifest itself. The adrenaline that allowed him to sit the exam was long gone.

"Nequist is not a nice world for humanoids. Too cold, damp and dark. Fine for Nequistians, they like the cold as much as they dislike sleep. No wonder you came home sick."

"I have a slight cold. I'm not sick." Obi-Wan grumbled and clenched his jaw shut to hide a yawn. "I'll be able to sleep most of it off."

"You'll be sleeping for a while, Kenobi," Garen said.

He didn't get ill often, but when he did, there were few things that Obi-Wan enjoyed less than talking about being sick. Except for maybe with Qui-Gon; as his master Qui-Gon would admonish him for not taking better care, but as his lover, he would take care of Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan wistfully thought of his love and rubbed back the itch that had crept into his nose again. He had hoped he would be able to sleep away much of the cold before Qui-Gon returned from the Council session. Not only was it their first day home, but also the first day in many weeks that they'd be able to spend together without the press of duty. Obi-Wan had been looking forward to a long afternoon of lovemaking with Qui-Gon. A few days full of sniffles, sneezes and catnaps had not been part of that plan.

"Per- per, haps." The itch intensified, making him linger over the word as his breath caught and eyelids flittered shut. "Ihhhshhhoo! AhhhSHOO!"

"Bless you!" Garen's footsteps halted as Obi-Wan fumbled for his hankie.

"th-thank -- IhhhHISHH!! EhhKishhih!" Obi-Wan uncrumpled the cloth and brought it to his nose with shaky fingers. "HehChshhn! Ahhh, HehUmmffChoo! HuhChoo! Schoo! K'choo!"

"Bless you. Of course, you won't be getting any sleep if you insist on doing that all the time."

"ahh... Ah! huhKehTSCHOOshh!" Obi-Wan replied with a powerful sneeze. After pushing his braid behind his ear, pinching his nostrils to stop the itching and sniffling wetly, he gave Garen a smile as thank you.

The two young men continued down the hall of the academic wing after Obi-Wan had ended a vigorous nose blowing with a few coughs. The congestion was starting to drip down the back of his throat in a most uncomfortable and ominous manner. Thinking about a raw, sore throat, Obi-Wan swallowed hard. He was *not* that sick. Garen stopped and motioned toward the keypad near the lift.

"I originally came after you to see if you wanted to spar with me. But I'm assuming you're going back to your quarters now?"

"Yes. I think I better." Obi-Wan agreed. There was no way he'd be able to withstand a few hours of lightsaber drills today. "It might be the only wise decision I'll make today."

"Right. Comm me when you feel less," Garen paused to punch in the code for the Master's towers where Obi-Wan had quarters with Qui-Gon, "less tired. I'll see you soon?"

"Of course." Bidding warm farewell to his friend, Obi-Wan entered the lift. He slumped against the back wall after the doors closed and shut his eyes. He'd need at least a standard week to feel less tired if he couldn't shake this cold. In the space of a week, the rest of his exams could be scheduled or Qui-Gon could be sent off planet on a solo mission. His master, at least, deserved some time to rest and attention.

The halls in the living area busy that time of the morning and Obi-Wan, having decided against another demonstration of the wonderful cold he caught, contained his sneezes. Each muffled explosion increased the irritation in his nose and the pound of headache behind his eyes. It was with a whimpering sigh of relief that he entered the rooms he shared with Qui-Gon.

As predicted, his master had not yet come back from the Council session. The blinking light on the communit tempted Obi-Wan for a moment. He wandered over after removing both belt and boots and punched in his code. While the message list came up, Obi-Wan yawned luxuriously. From the sting in his eyes to the sluggishness in his legs, his whole body craved sleep. Obi-Wan took a few sniffley breaths and pressed his nose into his shoulder. None of his messages were from Qui-Gon, which meant that none of them were urgent.

"HiihKeshhh!! EhhhKishhht!" Head angled away from the comm's screen, the spray only hit his arm and shoulder. Obi-Wan switched the machine off abruptly, just in time to catch another sneeze with his sleeve. "ihhh...tishhhSHOO!"

Obi-Wan coughed lightly and sniffled heavily. Messages and other various tasks could wait until he woke up later on. He stumbled into the bedchamber, lay down fully clothed and curled up around a pillow. The familiar comfort and warmth of his bed lulled him into a deep sleep soon thereafter.

"Quigon…" Obi-Wan mumbled and shifted positions in bed. Sleepily he extended his arm to wrap it around his lover's warm body, but encountered only cold bedcovers. The surprise at finding himself in bed alone brought Obi-Wan more fully awake. He could *feel* Qui-Gon in his mind. The bond that connected them hummed with his presence.

// Master? // Blinking with confusion, Obi-Wan sat up in bed and pushed a soft, fuzzy blanket down to his lap. Ah...yes. His master *had* come home. Qui-Gon had apparently removed his sash and outer tunics, then covered him with the thermal blanket.

// Sitting room, dear. // Qui-Gon paused as Obi-Wan sent a wordless reply. // Would you prefer I come to you? //

Obi-Wan shook his head and pressed the base of his wrist to his nose. He had woken up with a subtle, but persistent, tickle in his nose that he now tried to coax into a sneeze. The sensation grew, then backed off a little. Obi-Wan stood up from the bed and headed toward the sitting room, his nose still taking up most of his attention.

// Obi-Wan? //

// No, Master, it's, I'm -- // The thought froze in Obi-Wan's mind at the same time as his breath. "huhhEshhhoo! IhhISHHIH!" A rush of dizziness blurred his vision. For a few moments, Obi-Wan stood at the bedside, one hand gripping the edge of the mattress, the other cupping his nose and mouth in expectation of another sneeze. "Hehh... KehChoo!choo!"

"Obi? Padawan, what's wrong?" Qui-Gon called to him from the sitting room. Obi-Wan backtracked a few paces, grabbed a handful of tissues from the bed table, and went to join Qui-Gon. His master looked up as Obi-Wan entered with the tissues held to his face. "Oh, come here, love."

Qui-Gon sat on their couch, commpad in hand, clad in old, worn, leggings and a robe. He put the commpad down as Obi-Wan settled next to him and stroked a hand through Obi-Wan's sleep mussed hair. "Bless you."

Obi-Wan nodded, caught a quick, quiet "hihkeshh!" with the tissues and wiped his nose roughly. He nestled closer to Qui-Gon to rest his head on his master's shoulder. "Thanks."

"You sound a little stuffed up." Qui-Gon murmured into his hair and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. "Do you feel like you're coming down with a cold?"

"I'm not sick. Just sneezing." He mumbled into his tissues. "Ehhishoo!"

"Blessings! Just sneezes?"

"And... huhh... tishhh! KehTschoosh!" Force, was his nose ever going to stop? "uhhhTishhuh!" He rubbed his nose with the tissues, blew strongly, and then rubbed it again before putting the tissues down.

"It sounds like the sneezing would be quite enough." Qui-Gon's voice held a hint of laughter, but turned serious as he continued. "What else, dear? Do your ears hurt? Throat?"

Realizing that he was practically burrowing against Qui-Gon for warmth, Obi-Wan stopped. He didn't feel any better than before he fell asleep. The congestion had increased and his throat felt somewhat dry and scratchy. Obi-Wan suspected, however, that he wouldn't feel quite as poorly if he weren't so drained. "No, just my nose, Qui-Gon. I'm congested and sneezey. And rather tired."

Qui-Gon urged him to sit up and looked at Obi-Wan closely. He trailed the tips of his fingers over Obi-Wan's cheek then tested Obi-Wan's forehead with his lips. The touch was soft, but searching, and only turned to a kiss after a few moments.

"You look a bit pale, but you're not running a temperature. Probably just a cold in your nose."

He wanted to challenge Qui-Gon's diagnosis, but held himself back. An argument, made in a stuffy voice and highlighted by his frequent sneezes, would only confirm that Obi-Wan had caught a cold. An annoying, itchy, horribly timed nose cold. "Yes, Master. Sorry, Master." Obi-Wan replied and laid his head against Qui-Gon again. His master's bed robe was soft next to his cheek and he nuzzled closer.

"Sorry? Whatever for?" Qui-Gon's warm fingers massaged his arm then slid over his wrist as Qui-Gon pulled him into a hug.

"For becoming ill, Master." The sense of impatience with himself that he experienced in the test room returned. "I should have been able to prevent something as simple as a cold." As if he needed further proof of his inadequacy, a sharp tickle in his throat provided a cough at the end of his statement. Jostled from the comfort of his love's embrace, Obi-Wan sat up straight. "A few hours in a healing trance would have prevented most of this." He waved a hand toward his nose.

"Padawan, you're being much too hard on yourself. You can perform a trance when you're better rested. Sometimes we need to replenish our own energy before we can draw on the Force." More affectionate words followed Qui-Gon's short lesson. "We're both tired. We can rest together, Obi-love." He kissed the back of Obi-Wan's neck lightly.

"I had hoped for more than resting this afternoon, Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan shivered as his lover exhaled over the nape of his neck, stirring the fine hair there. "For something more romantic."

"I don't think you – or for that matter, I – would be interested in more than resting, cold or no cold. I really am tired, love, I'd rather just hold you for now."

Obi-Wan gave Qui-Gon a weary smile. He still felt that he shouldn't have allowed himself to catch cold, but his master was so... Convincing? Generous? Kind? Yes. Kind and more loving than Obi-Wan imagined he could ever be. He would ask Qui-Gon to help him with self-healing after he got over this cold. Obi-Wan leaned back to accept Qui-Gon's offer to hold him, but stiffened as his nose acted up again.

"EhhhKISHH!!" The tissues had been reduced a useless, damp wad. Obi-Wan pressed them to his nose anyway in the absence of anything else he could use. "HuhhIShhhshoo! Kesshhhuh!"

"Blessings." Replying between sneezes, Qui-Gon pressed a hand to Obi-Wan's shoulder and rose from the couch. He walked to the bedchamber and returned with a handkerchief. "Poor dear. Here you go."

"HihShoo! Ishhhah! HuhhIshhSHOO!" Obi-Wan felt the strength of those sneezes in his chest as he pitched forward with the release of the last one. He coughed as the impact lessened and left an aching tingle just below his collarbone. One hand still held the balled up tissues to his nose while the other pressed against his chest.

Qui-Gon nudged his hand away from his face and took the tissues away before Obi-Wan had a chance to get embarrassed or protest. Drying Obi-Wan's hand with the handkerchief, he sat back down on the couch. "Do you want me to get you an antihistamine?"

Obi-Wan shook his head and took the cloth away from his master. Oh, but it felt good to blow his nose again. The congestion had thinned just enough to allow him to temporarily clear out his nasal passages. Farther back, in his sinuses, the tingling persisted. He was far from relieved of a stuffed up nose or the sneezing attacks. An antihistamine, however, would cloud his mind.

"I don't like the side effects, but thank you, Master."

"Are you sure? It'll help you get to sleep."

"I don't think I'll have a problem falling asleep." Obi-Wan replied with a sniffle.

"All right." Qui-Gon slid an arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders and leaned closer to kiss his cheek. "I just want you to be comfortable." Soft lips and moustache brushed over Obi-Wan's jaw.

"Mmm... that's very comfortable..."

Laughing quietly, Qui-Gon drew Obi-Wan closer to him. Small, delicate kisses tickled the corner of Obi-Wan's jawbone and over his neck. The light touch had him turning in Qui-Gon's arms. Eager expectation glowed inside him, the simple need to be close to his lover. Obi-Wan slowly untied the belt on Qui-Gon's robe and slipped his hand inside. Murmurs of content whispered over his skin, mingled with kisses, as he stroked Qui-Gon's ribcage. Oh, that was *more* than comfortable, wordless sounds of affection in his ear, Qui-Gon's hair spilling over his shoulder. Obi-Wan whimpered as Qui-Gon nibbled at his collarbone, then licked it.

He edged closer to Qui-Gon and nudged his lover's face up so he could look at Qui-Gon. Another whimper escaped his lips just as Qui-Gon's eyes met his. Obi-Wan pulled away from Qui-Gon and pressed his nose into his shoulder. Holding his breath and squeezing his eyes shut, Obi-Wan concentrated on making the tickle go away. After a few moments he raised his head. Qui-Gon smiled at him bemusedly.

"Sneezles?" He rubbed his smallest finger over the trim at the v-neck of Obi-Wan's undertunic.

Obi-Wan crinkled his nose and nodded just as he turned away again. "HeeehKishhih! hehCheh! Chhshh—kehhshhoo! hihCsshooo!" The impulse was stronger than he thought, nostrils twitching as it teased him mercilessly. "ehh... hihhihh... uhISHH!! KeshhChoo! HuhhChhmpff!!" Obi-Wan curled in on himself and sneezed into the palm of his hand. "EhhKishh! k'chhsh!! huh! ehhTshhoo! AhhSshhiSHOOahh! ughh..."

"Shhh... shh, shhh, it's all right." Qui-Gon petted his shoulder gently as Obi-Wan groaned with frustration. "Just relax, love."

"Ehhishhah! Ishhoosh! HISHshoo!" Nose running against his hand, Obi-Wan peered up through tear-damp eyelashes. "Handkerchief? Plea, ehh – Eh! EhhKitshhoo!! Please?"

Qui-Gon reached around to fetch the handkerchief. The movement turned into a brief hug as Obi-Wan smothered a few more sneezes. A hand cupped the back of his head. With gratitude, Obi-Wan pressed his nose into the dry handkerchief that Qui-Gon held for him. He inhaled deeply, then gasped shallowly. "Huh...ISHHH! AhhhGeshhoo!! Khishhihn!!!" Nuzzling Qui-Gon's hand through the handkerchief, he sniffled lightly and tested for any more sneezes. Satisfied that he was finished, he gave a few honking blows.

// Thank you, Qui-Gon. That was a bit more than I expected. //

// Anytime, dear. // Qui-Gon removed the handkerchief to dab at Obi-Wan's eyes, then at his nose again. A frisson of cold shivered through Obi-Wan when Qui-Gon moved away from him.

"I think bed rest would be in order, Obi-Wan. What if I prepare us a late lunch and you go clean up, put on sleep clothes and settle down in bed?" Careful fingers pushed Obi-Wan's braid behind his ear.

For the first time that day Obi-Wan noticed the emptiness in his stomach. The mere mention of food made him realize how hungry he was. "That sounds good. Could I have some tea, perhaps?"

"Of course you can." He stood, tugging Obi-Wan up and into a close hug. "I want to find you changed." Qui-Gon kissed him on the forehead. "In bed." Then both of his eyelids. "With a box of tissues. I'll take care of the rest."

"All right." Obi-Wan dropped his head onto Qui-Gon's chest.


"Yes, Master."

"Now, Obi-Wan."

"Yes, Master Qui-Gon."

He received an indulgent smile and caress on his cheek before Qui-Gon let him go. The blanket remained rumpled on the bed where he left it. A happy thought of warmth, food and love came to his mind as he stood looking at it, sleep pants in his hand. He shared the though with Qui-Gon, who gave him both a mental caress and a nudge. Obi-Wan sighed and headed toward the 'fresher. Leggings and undertunic ended up in the refresher's laundry bin a few moments later.

// Bossy. //

// I'm just taking care of my terribly sick padawan. //

// Taking advantage of your poor padawan. // Obi-Wan sent quickly and grabbed a tissue. "EhhChoosh!! Shishhah!"

// Blesses. Everything all right? //

"ehh... Kishhiih! HuhpTushhuh! hehChshhh!" // Fine. Just a little tickle. //

// Bless you, and I'll be right over. //

"HuhhESSHHAHH!" The violent sneeze ended in a series of blows. After he filled a few tissues, Obi-Wan took a long, stuffy breath through his nose and shook his head. His eyes felt puffy after all the sneezes, his nose starting to get sore from blowing it so much. Obi-Wan grimaced as he changed into his sleep pants. A handful of annoying symptoms like that would make transform a slight cold in his nose into something that felt much more like sickness.

Obi-Wan washed his face and hands quickly, shivering at the touch of water as it dripped onto his bare chest. The air felt more chilly than before and his skin prickled with cold.

"I thought I told you that I wanted to find you in our bed?" A kiss to his shoulder and Qui-Gon wrapped strong arms around his body.

"Ohh... you feel so good." Obi-Wan muttered. Qui-Gon's bare chest supported his back, also bare. His master's skin was warmer than any clothing or blanket. "I'm ready now."

"Indeed. Persnickety padawan."

Obi-Wan nodded and threw his towel onto the vanity. Taking the tissues and making sure Qui-Gon kept an arm around him, he ambled into the bedchamber. Qui-Gon paused for a moment, adjusted the thermostat to raise the heat, then led Obi-Wan to their bed. Snuggled under blankets and cuddled up against Qui-Gon, rather than his pillows, Obi-Wan nibbled on the lunch of sandwiches and fruit. Qui-Gon had prepared a decent, simple meal for the two of them, even with the few supplies they had procured since arriving home. Tea mug in one hand, a few tissues in the other, Obi-Wan waited for Qui-Gon to clean off the bed and recline next to him after they finished eating.

"This is nice."

"It is, isn't it?" Qui-Gon put his arm around Obi-Wan's waist. "A change from the past few weeks. How are you feeling?"

"Sniffly." He rubbed his nose with the tissue and sniffed delicately. "And – yes, sneezey." Obi-Wan handed the mug over to Qui-Gon. The tissue hovered before his nose. He took a soft breath, and then, "ehhKishhoo!"

"Bless you. Do want any more of this?" Qui-Gon waved the mug in Obi-Wan's direction. "No?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Still, have to…. to sneeze… Hhhehh…. Ekkishh!! IhhISHH! HuhhChsshh!! Ehhh…. HehAhhCHOO! Choo! KehCHOO!"

"Many blessings, love." Another handful of tissues replaced the ones Obi-Wan cast to the bed. Qui-Gon stroked his hip, then relaxed against the pillows, allowing Obi-Wan to relax against him.

"Thanks; there's more." Poised for another fit, Obi-Wan mumbled the words between pre-sneeze gasps. "Huuhh... Choo! ehhHitschoo! Kishhahh! Huhh, ahh, AhShshhhih!" The sneezes left his nose congested and the few, short blows he gave it didn't offer much relief. "I think we can add stuffed up to that description now."

Qui-Gon cuddled Obi-Wan close, fitting him into the curve of his body. He kissed Obi-Wan on the forehead, then nuzzled his short hair. "You should probably get some rest now. That'll help you feel better."

"I already feel better." Obi-Wan struggled out of Qui-Gon's embrace to sit up partway. He looked down at his lover's confused smile. "You make me feel better."

"Come here, dear padawan." Qui-Gon whispered. He brought Obi-Wan's fingers to his lips and kissed them tenderly. "I hope I can always do that for you."

"You're my love, Qui-Gon."

"As you are mine." With that, Qui-Gon drew Obi-Wan's mouth to his in a slow, deep kiss. His tongue slid into Obi-Wan's mouth and gently tangled with his lover's. The kiss ended as Obi-Wan turned his head with a soft cough.

"You're going to catch this from me." Obi-Wan warned, then dipped forward for another kiss.


"Mmm... not sure if that was the correct answer." Qui-Gon's skin was warm, his beard soft and rough at the same time as Obi-Wan petted it with his fingertips. "But I'll accept it anyway." A yawn caught him by surprise. "Oh..." He blinked down at Qui-Gon.

"Naptime, for both of us." Qui-Gon touched his finger to the end of Obi-Wan's nose. He used a flick of the Force to dial down the lighting in the bedchamber.

"You aren't going to tell me about the Council meeting?"

"After you tell me about the astronav exam."

"Oh." Obi-Wan pondered. "Naptime then."

After another long, loving kiss, Obi-Wan felt sleep blur his senses. He was right where he needed to be, his head pillowed on Qui-Gon's chest, his lover gently stroking his hair or rubbing his back until he fell asleep. The long, cold days on Nequist and the distress he felt during his exam were fading into memory. Obi-Wan yawned sleepily and patted Qui-Gon's chest.

// Afternoon's nice with you. //

A laugh rumbled from Qui-Gon's chest and he sent his own tired agreement over their bond. Obi-Wan nestled nearer to Qui-Gon and sighed.

He had made one very good decision today.

The End

Star Wars, the chars, etc. belong to GL.