Can We Go To Bed Yet?
a Harry Potter story
by midnight_angel_girl

"Are you coming to bed?" Percy called down the hall to Oliver. Percy had been in bed a half hour ago and was waiting for Oliver so he could have his good night hug and kiss.

"Ihh...In a minute." He heard Oliver yell back.

Sighing, Percy got out of bed. He might as well get a glass of water while he waited for Oliver. Passing the bathroom, he saw Oliver making strange faces in the mirror. "Oliver, what on earth are you doing?"

"I hahhh...have to sneehhh...sneeze."

"Then sneeze."

"I can't. It doesn't want to come out. Hhh...hold on. Hihh...hihh...hihh..huh...uhchuhhh."

"Bless you. Now can we go to bed?"

Oliver shook his head. "Stihh...still sdeezy. Hihh...hihh...damn. Lost it."

"Blow your nose. Maybe that will help." He handed Oliver a bit of toilet paper and waited while Oliver blew his nose.

"Mahh...made it worse. Hihhh...ihhh...ihh-huhhh-chehh. Ihh...ihhh...ihhh...ihhhtschhuhhh-chuhhhh."

"Bless." Percy handed Oliver some more toilet paper. "Better?"

"Eh...heh...ehh....hehhhh...uhchuhhh. Dow it's gode." He blew his nose loudly.

"Bless you. Can we go to bed yet? I`m tired."

Oliver sniffled and rubbed his nose. "Of course. What were you waiting for?"

"My goodnight kiss." Laughing slightly, Oliver leaned in and kissed him, then chased him to the bedroom.

Not mine. JKR's
Written for Week #58 challenge: One character suffers with terrible build-ups and false starts while his friend or friends watch sympathetically. How he got that way is up to you!