I Can't Be Your Friend Anymore
a Harry Potter story
by midnight_angel_girl
Part 1
Oliver Wood snuggled under the blankets, sniffling. He'd come down with a horrible cold, and the team healer had dismissed him from practice and ordered him to bed, telling him that he could give him pepper-up, but with the cold going around the team, it wasn't helping much. Oliver had declined. "Heh-heh choo." he sneezed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. Merlin, he felt awful, but he almost didn't mind that much. Oliver almost enjoyed being sick. His roommate, Percy, always took good care of him, fussing over him, making sure he was warm enough, bringing him soup and tea and tissues. Occasionally, if Oliver was really cold, Percy would crawl in bed beside him to help keep him warm. And Percy would take his focus off of work and on to Oliver. And maybe Oliver would finally be able to talk to Percy about their friendship and if they could take things farther.
Sniffling again, he came out from under the covers to grab a tissue to blow his nose. He heard a light growl as the movement of his body disturbed Gus. Gus was really Percy's dog but was just as close to Oliver. And he was nice to have around when Percy was at work, just as Percy enjoyed Gus's company while Oliver was away at games and practice.
He remembered when Percy had brought Gus home, He'd been a tiny puppy then, and Percy had carried him into the cottage wrapped in his jacket. Percy, in a rush of word, had told him how he'd stopped in the pet store to pick up some mice for Hermes, and there was this little, runty puppy for sale. And the Weasley's had always had a cat; even though Charlie was mildly allergic, he could be around one, as long as he didn't touch it, so after Charlie left for school, they'd always had a cat. Bill was severely allergic to dogs; he couldn't get near one without starting to sneeze and itch. And Percy, all his life had wanted a dog. And, please, tell me you're not allergic, Percy had asked, looking at him earnestly. Oliver had never seen Percy so happy as when he assured him he wasn't allergic to dogs, laughing as he reminded Percy he'd grown up with six of them. Feeling his nose start to tickle again, he sat up so he could better deal with the sneezes. "Hehkshh, ehchishh." He sneezed into a hastily grabbed tissue, then blew his nose.
Gus jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, returning a few minutes later, followed by Percy, home from work. "Hey Oliver. Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" Oliver held up the tissue box in response. "You're sick."
"Aye. The teab healer sedt be back to bed for a few days. If you have sobeode cobig over todight, I cad go to by paredts or hide id here." He blew his nose again as Gus snuggled next to him.
"No, you can stay here. I've got no one coming over. I was just going to do some work and cleaning." He walked over to the bed and placed his wrist on Oliver's forehead. "You're a bit warm, but no fever."
Oliver shook his head. "It's just a cold," he sniffled. "I'll be fide."
"Have you taken anything?" Percy asked. Given Percy's allergy to pepper-up, he kept the bathroom stocked with decongestant potions as well as muggle cold remedies. "Pepper-up?"
"Do. The healer said it wasd't helpig. Thed, I just wadted to sleep."
"Have you eaten anything?"
"Dot sidce ludch. I forced byself to eat sobethig sidce I had practice. Ehhkushh, kuhsheshh, uhsheshh."
"Bless you. Well, you've definitely got sneezes and sniffles. Headache? Sore throat? Cough? Chills? Achy muscles?"
Oliver nodded in response to Percy's interrogation of his symptoms. "All of theb." He sniffled, blowing his nose loudly.
"I'll go make some tea and heat up a tin of soup." He paused as Oliver started to protest. "I know you're not hungry, but you need to eat a little bit. And I'll get you something for your cold. Do you need more tissues?"
Coughing, Oliver nodded. "Cad I have sobe bore water, please?" He asked when he could speak again.
"Sure thing. Gus, keep him company." he ordered the dog as he headed to put the soup and tea on. A few minutes later, he came back with tissues, water, and a small cup of a nasty looking, green liquid. "I'll be back in a moment with the soup and tea." He said, setting everything on the night table. "Take the medicine after you eat." he instructed.
"Ehkishh, kishhoo, hehkihhff." Oliver blew his nose loudly. "I will. Ared't you goig to eat with be?"
"Bless you. I can. I didn't know if you'd want me to or if you wanted to be alone."
"I'd like sobe cobpady if you dod't have too buch work to do."
"Not really, just some paperwork that didn't get finished at the office and a few reports that are due next week. But after you take that, you'll probably fall asleep pretty quickly. I know I always do. Let me go get dinner." Percy said, heading to the kitchen. He returned carrying bowls of soup and tea. He set the tray on Oliver's desk, then went over to the bed and gently helped Oliver sit up, propping the pillows behind his back. "How's that? Comfy?"
"Yeah. Thaks." He said as Percy set the tea and soup on his nightstand and sat at the desk. "Eat your soup before it gets cold."
"Hekishh." Oliver wiped his nose and began picking at the soup. 20 minutes later, under Percy's watchful stare, he had managed to eat half of it. "Perce," he whined, "I cad't eat ady bore."
"Try, Ol. I'll heat it up again if you want."
"Percy, do. It's bakig by stobach hurt. I really dod't wadt to get sick."
"I'll heat it up later if you get hungry again." Percy agreed quickly. He could handle almost all aspects of illness, except for throwing up, so he wasn't going to press Oliver to eat. "Take the medicine now; you might want to drink it fast."
Oliver downed the contents of the cup quickly, grimacing. "Dasty." he shuddered.
"I know, but it works."
"Bless." Percy handed him a tissue.
"Thaks." Oliver blew his nose. "But, Percy, I've said it before, ad I'll say it agaid; you dod't deed to bless be everytibe I sdeeze."
"I know. Habit, I guess."
Oliver yawned. "I sdeeze all the tibe anyway ad eved bore whed I'b sick, so if you say it everytibe I sdeeze, it'll be the extedt of our conversatiod." Oliver had broken his nose more times htan he could remember, and as a result, he sneezed several times a day. He yawned again.
"Looks like the medicine is kicking in. I'll let you get some sleep. I'll check on you when you can take more."
Oliver rubbed his nose and rearranged the pillows so he could lay down. "But I wadted to talk to you." he said, as serious as he could sound with a stuffy nose and fighting the urge to yawn again.
"Oliver, you're fighting to stay awake. We'll talk tomorrow, ok. Got everything you need?"
"Yeah." Oliver yawned as Percy pulled the blanket over him. "Goodight."
"Night Ol." Percy said, walking towards the door and turning off the lights as Gus padded after him. Percy stood in the doorway a moment, watching Oliver rustle around trying to get comfortable, a tender expression crossing his face. Maybe now that Oliver was sick, he could get his mind off Quidditch, and Percy would be able to tell him how he really felt about him.
Part 2
Oliver's grumbling stomach woke him early the following afternoon. He vaguely remembered Percy coming in last night and early that morning. Dragging himself out of bed, he headed to the kitchen, wondering where Percy was. That question was answered when he entered the living room and saw Percy sitting at the couch, surrounded by books and parchment, Gus at his feet. "Heh-chuhh." He sneezed suddenly and bit back a laugh when Percy, intent on his work, jumped almost a foot.
"You're up. Feeling better?"
"Headache's backed off a bit, but do. You let be sleep pretty late."
"I figured that'd be best for you. I know you want to get back to practice as soon as you can."
Rubbing his nose with his sleeve, he sniffled. "Yeah, dot buch for sittig aroud."
"I know." Percy told him, pulling his handkerchief from his pocket and blowing his nose lightly. "I need to clean in here. The dust is starting to bother me."
Oliver nodded. "I woke up cuz I'b hugry."
"Why don't you sit down, and I'll get you something." He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and handed it to Oliver who curled up in the armchair. "What do you want? Soup?"
"Ub, toast ad peadut butter."
"Cocoa?" Oliver asked hopefully.
"Sure. I'll be back in a few minutes." Percy went to the kitchen while Oliver curled in the chair, craning his neck so he could see Percy in the kitchen, or rather, enjoy the view of Percy's arse as he stood at the counter, smearing peanut butter on two slices of toast. He returned to a more comfortable position as Percy stepped away from the counter and started returning to the living room.
"Thak you." he sniffled as Percy set the plate and mug on the coffee table in front of him. Percy settled on the couch, one leg bent underneath him and picked up his parchment. "Huh-chushoo, chishhhuhh, hashish." Oliver sneezed wetly, clapping his hands over his nose. "Ahh-kisshuhh. Ub, Bercy, cad you had be sobe dissues?" he asked, hands still over his nose.
"Sure. Bless you." Percy pulled a few tissues out of the box on the end table and handed them to Oliver.
"Daks." Oliver took the tissues and blew his nose loudly, then dried his hands.
"Need more tissues?" Percy asked.
"Evendtually. Would't hurt to toss the box over." Percy handed Oliver the box of tissues. "Thandks." Oliver picked up the toast and ate his small lunch. "So, Perce, umb, no boyfriend right dow?"
"Nope." Percy answered, unsure of where Oliver was going with this.
"You haven't had a londg lastindg relatiodship id a log tibe." Oliver stated.
"Neither have you." Percy answered carefully, thinking `Because they haven't been with you.'
"I dow. Have you, ub, ever thought about, well, us?"
"Umm..." Percy hesitated, then decided to go for it. "Yes. Yes, I have." He fidgeted with his quill, not meeting Oliver's eyes.
"Why didn't you ever say adythig?"
"I...umm...I wasn't sure if you'd feel the same way. Have you ever thought about it...us, I mean?"
"All the tibe."
"Really?" Percy's eyes brightened. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"Sabe reasod. Cad we...ub...try it?"
"I don't know how much would be different, but...I'd love to give it a chance, Ol; I've thought about this for a long time."
"You could start by sleepig id by bed. Just cause it's bigger thad yours." Oliver suggested hopefully. "Like we used to do at school whed we were sick ad could't get warb."
"And I could do this." Percy pushed aside his parchment and sat on the arm of the chair, kissing Oliver's cheek and forehead, then pulling away with a concerned look on his face.
"What's wrog? Hehchoo, huhchushoo. `Scuse be."
"Blesses. Fever." Percy picked up his wand. "Tempeturus." He read his wand's reading. "Back to bed." Percy helped Oliver out of the chair and back into bed. "I'll be right back." he promised. True to his word, Percy was back a minute later, handing Oliver a glass of water and pills. "Take these."
"What are they?"
"Some medicine to help with your cold and bring down your fever."
"How high?" Oliver mumbled.
"38.8° (102°F) Lay back" He placed a wet cloth on Oliver's forehead. "Try to fall back asleep."
"Percy, will you stay with be?"
"Until you fall asleep. Then I need to go to the market. Need anything?"
"I'll probably deed tissues sooder or later. Eh-chuhh."
"Bless." Percy repositioned the cloth. Oliver yawned and closed his eyes, quickly nodding off. Percy waited until Oliver was sound asleep before heading out.
Part 3
Oliver slept soundly, waking around 6:00 that evening, with Gus curled up at his feet. Wrapping a blanket around his shoulders, he once again shuffled to the living room to find Percy. Not seeing him, he proceeded to the kitchen. On the kitchen table sat two boxes of tissues and a single red rose in a vase with a piece of parchment propped against it.
"Oliver - Having dinner with Charlie since he's in town; should be back about 8. Brought you the rose to cheer you. X Percy"
Rubbing his nose, Oliver opened the fridge to try to find something to eat. "Huh-uhschoo." Turning away from the fridge, he sneezed into the crook of his arm. Kicking the fridge shut, he opened one of the boxes of tissues on the table, startled by a knock on the door. Sniffling, he grabbed the tissues and opened the door to see his sister. "Charlotte? What are you doig here? You hate Lodod. Where are the kids?"
"Don't I get a proper hullo? The kids are at home with Ian. Do I need an excuse to visit my baby brother when he's sick?"
"How'd you dow I was sick?"
"Because your nose is totally stuffed up like it always is when you're sick. And a little bird told me."
"Ethan." She named one of his teammates. "He saw me because he has what you have and was getting worse. I figured I'd check you out since I know you won't see a healer otherwise."
"Would to."
"If the team made you. Sit on the couch." She ordered, setting her things on the table. Charlotte was a smaller, finer featured version of Oliver, scarcely looking 6 years older. Despite the age difference, the two were extremely close. Both had suffered health crises as young children. Charlotte's first glimpses of Oliver had been through the glass windows of the ICU of a muggle hospital when he was born six weeks prematurely. And Oliver's earliest memories of Charlotte had were of being told to play gently with her or of sitting with her while she completed a nebulizer treatment. Both were relatively healthy now, but the closeness had remained. Taking hold of Oliver's arm, she led him to the couch. "Sit."
"And blow your nose." She told him, crossing back to grab her bag from the table. Switching on the overhead light, she sat across from him, pulling a few objects from her purse and setting them and the bag on the coffee table. Charlotte never liked to depend solely on her wand in diagnostics; she liked to use her 10 years of experience as a healer and a mother as well as her knowledge of a few muggle tools. "Temperature first." She said, sticking the thermometer in his ear. "38.65°. (101.5°F) Have you been resting?"
"Aye. Percy foud be sleepig whed he got hobe yesterday; I slept all dight ad bost of today. Percy gave be buggle pills this afterdood to brig dowd by fever."
Charlotte nodded. Ian was muggle-born, so she knew what he was talking about. Placing her stethoscope on his chest, she instructed him to breath deeply. "Good. It's not in your chest."
"Do. It's all id by dose." he sniffed.
"That's typical for you." she smiled. "With me, it goes straight to my chest, where it stays in your head until the last day or so." She reminded him, feeling his neck. "Glands are a little swollen. Sore throat?"
"Just a little, odce id awhile. Whed I wake up bostly."
"Probably just from nasal drainage." He nodded. "Ears bothering you?"
"Dot really. They're just all stuffy."
"Stuffy ears, huh." She took an otoscope out of her purse and looked in his ears. "They're not red. Just a bit of fluid, probably from your cold. If they start hurting, let me know." Plucking a few tissues from the box on the couch, she shined the scope into his right eye. Noticing him stiffen, she pressed the tissues to his nose, keeping the light trained on his eye.
"Uhh-chuhhh." She switched to his left eye. "Hihh-chishh." Oliver had a slight photic reflex whenever bright lights were shone directly into his eyes.
"Now, blow." She instructed gently. Oliver hesitated, then blew his nose, knowing Charlotte wouldn't remove the tissues until he did. She took the tissues and folded them in half. "Again." She pressed them back to his nose, still keeping the light focused on his eyes. "Better?"
She finished examining his eyes, then looked at his nose and throat. "Your eyes look clear. Nose and throat are a bit irritated. Snot is clear, so it's not sinusitis. You've just got a cold." She went over to the kitchen sink and washed her hands. "When was the last time you ate?"
"Aroud ode, ode-thirty."
"I brought you chicken and dumplings soup." She poured a small amount into a bowl for him, then poured a bowl for herself. "You want mint or chamomile tea?"
"Huh-choo." Oliver blew his nose loudly. "Bidt." he told her as she put the kettle on and carried the soup over to him.
"You kin have more if you want."
"Thaks, Charlotte. Percy always gives be a huge bowl of soup ad expects be to eat the whole thig."
"Well, Percy's not a healer, or a mother, or your big sister."
"Just by boyfred." Oliver looked down at his soup.
"About time." was Char's only comment.
"Are Bub and Da really ok with this?"
"Ol, they want you to be happy. Don't worry, I'll give them enough grandchildren for the both of us." She wrapped her arm around him and hugged him. "Eat. You do know, no practice until your fever's gone. I'll write you a note."
"Charlotte -"
"No. I've been in contact with Andrew and Collin since I've seen a few of your teammates, and that's what we agreed on. Anyone who shows up with a fever will be excused from practice." She informed him as the kettle whistled. "More soup?" She noticed his bowl was empty.
"Do, thaks." he told her as she got up to get the tea. She poured tea for both of them and started back to the couch as Oliver started sneezing. "Hitshcuhh, huhschoo, kuhchoo, huh-kuhchuhh."
"Bless. Back to bed with ye." She carried the tea to his bedroom and set it on his nightstand, then tucked him in, propping pillows behind him.
"What tibe is it? Ad cad I take sobe bore bedicide?"
"7:30, and you'll have to wait for Percy since I don't know what time you last took some." She paused as he started coughing. "I'll be right back." Charlotte returned a few minutes later carrying a plastic tub filled with water. "One more second." She returned again with a glass of water and a bag. "Drink this." she said, handing over the water. She placed the lid on the plastic tub and plugged it in, pouring liquid from a bottle into the slot on the top.
"What's that? Hay-ehchoo."
"A vaporisor. It's got medicine in it to help clear out the congestion in your head and help you breath better. When you're a wee bit better, you'll be able to smell the menthol a bit."
"It's not going to bother Percy's asthma, is it?"
Charlotte shook her head. "No, it may actually help if he's having problems or if he catches this. I use it whenever I'm sick, and it's never bothered mine."
"Good. He bedtiod that he deeds to clead because the dust is bothering hib. Ehchoo." He blew his nose noisily. "I hope Percy gives be the stuff he gave be last dight that bade be sleep. Or that pepper-up would have helped with this."
"I know. Rest is the best thing right now. And food. I know you're never hungry when you're sick, but just eat whatever you can, even just little meals." She sat on the bed next to him, picking up her bag. "Here's the instructions on the vaporisor and the stuff to put in it." She pulled out a small box and shook out something resembling an adhesive bandage strip.
"What's that?"
"It's a breath right strip. It's also mentholated, and it'll help you breath through your nose better. And it may help keep you from snoring." Leaning over him, she attached the strip to his nose.
"Thaks, big sister."
"No problem, little brother."
They heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Cobe id." Oliver yelled, immediately regretting that when he started coughing again.
Percy, followed by Gus, came in. "How are you feeling?" he asked, then noticed Charlotte. "Charlotte. What are you doing here? You never come to London."
"I heard Oliver was sick, so I figured I'd come check him over. Then, I decided to wait until you came home."
"He alright?"
"He is right here, ad he is fide. It's just a bad cold. Whed do I get bore bedicide?"
"I'll walk Charlotte out, then bring you some."
"Heyehchoo. Thaks." He said as Gus jumped up on the bed.
"Bless. Owl me or fire-call me if you feel worse, okay. Love ya."
Oliver blew his nose. "I will. Love ya too."
Charlotte kissed Oliver gently on the forehead. "And remember no practice until no fever."
"I kndow." he grumbled.
Percy walked Charlotte into the living room. "He's okay?"
"He'll be fine. I looked him over, and it's just a really bad cold. Keep giving him whatever you're giving him, especially the nighttime stuff. Sleep is the best thing for him. I gave him some strips to help with the congestion in his nose and possibly keep him from snoring, which I'm sure you'll appreciate."
"He told you."
"About damn time, you two." She smiled, rubbing Percy's shoulder.
"I put a vaporisor in his room. It'll also help with the congestion. Don't worry; it won't bother your asthma. I use one all the time. It may actually help ye. The instructions and stuff are on one of the nightstands." She pulled and everlasting quill out of her purse along with a piece of parchment. "This note will excuse him from practice. He needs to stay home and rest until his fever's gone. This has hit the team pretty hard, and they aren't letting anyone practice with a temperature above 37.5° (99.6°F). Try to get him to eat. Small meals and snacks are best for him. He's never had much of an appetite when he's ill. Encourage him, but don't force him. There's a big thing of chicken and dumpling soup in the fridge. Any questions?"
"No. Thanks, Charlotte."
"No problem. You know how to get a hold of me. And you take care of yourself so you don't catch this."
"I'll try. Thanks again. Good night, Charlotte."
"Night, Percy." With a pop, she was gone.
Percy went and changed into a nightshirt, grabbed a few thing from his room and got Oliver some old medicine. Going back into Oliv - no, their room, he handed Oliver the cold medicine and set about getting ready for bed. "Need anything else?"
"Huh-choo." Oliver blew his nose. "Just you."
Turning off the light, Percy crawled in bed next to Oliver. "Just rest, hon," He snuggled against him.
"I will. Thandk you, Percy." He leaned his dark head against Percy's cheek and red hair.
"For what?" "For lovindg me." He mumbled as the medicine took effect. His eyelids fluttered, and he was out for the next six hours.
Part 4
Oliver woke up late the next morning to find Percy still cuddled against him. Looking at the clock and seeing no real reason to get up, he snuggled into Percy and the warm blankets, planning to enjoy the moment. Closing his eyes, he rubbed at his nose, trying to alleviate the tickle. He was almost back to sleep when the itch intensified. Pressing his hand against his nose, he fumbled for the tissue box with his free hand.
"Huh-chhh." Thunk. Oliver had overestimated the amount he needed to turn away from Percy and underestimated the force of the sneeze, resulting in his head banging against the night table.
"Huh-chishhh, chisshheshh, hehchfff."
"Bless you. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Oliver snuffled. "I was tryig dot to wake you ad hit by head od the dight stad." He blew his nose a few times and rubbed his head. "Ow."
"Next time, don't worry about waking me up. You get enough blows to the head on the pitch; you don't need to get them in the bedroom, too." Percy slid his glasses on and blew his nose; his dust allergy meant that he usually woke with a stuffy nose. "Hungry?"
"Dot really. Baybe just a piece of toast. I dow I should eat."
"I'll bring you some more medicine too. Juice or tea?"
"Juice." Oliver said, sitting up. "I'b goig to chadge. I've beed wearig the sabe clothes for two days."
Percy nodded. "I'll let Gus out and be back in a few minutes."
Oliver got out of bed and changed into a clean pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt, then brushed his hair and teeth before crawling back beneath the duvet. Percy came in a minute or so later with Oliver's juice and toast along with more pills.
"The pills should help with the headache I'm sure you have, and I want to get your temperature again." He picked up his wand. "Tempeturus. 38.3. It's gone down a little since last night."
"Thandks. By head really does hurt."
Percy sat at the foot of the bed. "You've got a bit of a bruise, but I think you'll live."
"Heh-chehh. If this cold does't kill be first. Hayuhchoo." Swallowing the pills, he blew his nose forcefully.
"Bless. Eat and go back to sleep. I know you're probably sick of sleeping, but..."
"I'b word out. I dod't thik I cad do aythig but sleep."
"Alright. I'm going to change and eat breakfast before I start cleaning. I'll check back on you to see if you need anything."
"Thandks, Perce."
"Just rest, Ol." Percy said, closing the bedroom door to keep the steam from the vaporisor in. A few minutes later, Oliver was asleep again. An hour later, Percy looked in on Oliver and collected the dirty dishes, sighing when he noticed that Oliver had only managed a few bites of toast.
Carrying everything to the kitchen, he gave Gus the leftover toast and washed the dishes. Then he set about putting away the wash and picking up books and papers before he tackled the job he hated the most: dusting. Oliver usually helped with the dusting, but he never did it as well as Percy liked. And with Oliver so sick, Percy didn't want to disturb him, knowing rest was what he needed, and the more practice he missed, the crabbier he'd get.
Two hours later, the cleaning was finally done, and it was obvious by Percy's runny nose and red, puffy eyes that he was glad to be done with it. He'd been sneezing more or less constantly for the last 10 minutes. Tossing the dust cloth into the laundry bin, he washed his hands and grabbed a fresh handkerchief, sinking down on the bed.
"Hushishh, uhhhshishh, ih-ihshh, ihhshuhh, uh-kishh, kishhishh, ihhshh, uhehshh, huhshehh, uhehshh, ehshuhh, uhhkishh, kihshuuhh, ihhshishhh, shishh, ih-ihhshh, uh-ih-ihshihh."
Picking up another handkerchief he blew his nose several times to try to relieve the pressure in his head. Walking into the bathroom, he caught site of himself in the mirror. Merlin, he hadn't reacted this badly to dust, at least not to the amount of dust that accumulated in the main part of the house, since he was little. He washed his face to try to get his eyes to stop itching, then pulled out his allergy potion and took a dose. He grabbed a washcloth and moistened it before going to the bedroom to lie down next to Oliver and nap.
Percy slept for nearly two hours before the itching in his nose woke him again. Knowing Oliver was still sleeping and not wanting to make the same mistake Oliver had this morning, he grabbed some tissues and buried his face in them and the pillows. "Hehshfff, ihshff, hehshmphh, ikshfff, uhshishfff."
"Bless ye." Came a voice from next to him.
"Dags." Percy blew his nose forcefully. "Ugh. I thik by dust allergy is gettig worse as I get older."
"I thindk you're sick."
"I cad't have caughd this frob you already."
"I've beend sick for four days. It started like you were yesterday, just stuffy, ad thend all of a suddend, bam. The dust probably didn't help, but..." He blew his nose and picked up his wand. "Tempeturus. 38°. Perce, you're sick."
"Ol, it's allergies."
"You have a fever. You are sick."
"Ab dot."
"I'll contact Charlotte and have her look you over."
"That's dot decessah - ahhhchishhh, aiihshhh, ihhhsheshhh, ehehshh, hehhshihhhh." He snatched the tissues Oliver offered him and blew his nose.
"Bless ye."
"I dod't dow why by allergy potiod isd't helpig."
Oliver sighed. "Because you're sick." Oliver pushed aside the blankets and got out of bed.
"Where are you goig?"
"To get your pajamas, juice and medicinde." He walked out of the room, returning minutes later carrying everything as Gus jumped on the bed. He handed the nightshirt to Percy and set the juice on the nightstand. "How mandy pills do you get?"
"Two." Percy's response was muffled as he pulled his shirt off. He slipped the night shirt on and took the tablets from Oliver before slipping off his trousers.
"Now get back in bed." Oliver walked back to his side. "Heh-chuhh, uhchushhoo." Blowing his nose, he slipped back under the covers.
"I cad't believe I'b sick." Percy muttered.
"I'mb sorry Percy. But look on the bright side."
"There is do bright side."
"I won't be able to practice for a day or two, and trust me, you won't feel like working, and we have the perfect excuse to sped all our timbe together ind bed. Heh-choo. Ad, I'll take good care of you udtil you're better."
"I do like lyig here with you." Percy said, snuggling against him. "I'll forgive you."
"Good." Oliver gently kissed him. "Ad dow, I dod't have to keep frob kissing you."
"This is soudig better ad better." Percy yawned, closing his eyes.
"Just rest, Perce. I'll be right here whend you wake up."
I was going to submit this for the annual challenge, but I couldn't get it to fit into the bunny like I thought I could. Feedback is always appreciated.
Part 3 written for weekly hatching #52